Annual Reports

Each year, the presidents of the University, Faculty, and Staff Senate, along with the Student Senate Vice President, produce final reports for their respective senates. Before 2020, these annual reports consisted of an overall summary of actions.

Annual Reports

University Senate President’s-Elect  Final Report-Josh Arpin

Faculty Senate President’s Final Report-Victor Gonzalez 

Staff Senate President’s Final Report- Chris Wallace

Student Senate Vice President’s Final Report-DaNae Estabine 

University Senate President’s Final Report-Ani Kokobobo

Faculty Senate President’s Final Report-Nate Brunsell

Staff Senate President’s Final Report- Jessica Chilcoat 

Student Senate Vice President’s Final Report-Alessia Garcia

University Senate President's Final Report - Sanjay Mishra

Faculty Senate President's Final Report - Lua Yuille

Staff Senate President's Final Report - Abby Ehling

Student Senate Vice President's Final Report - Addison Henson

  • 9/12 – Resolution of Support for DACA
  • 9/12 – Resolution regarding Accommodation of Members of the University Community with Disabilities
  • 10/5 – Approved Ad Hoc Committee on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (was dissolved in late 2018)
  • 10/24 – Approved update to FacEx petition form, including updating the USRR reference numbers and adding the sentence “past precedence does not guarantee approval of future petitions” (approved)
  • 11/2 – Approved Amendments to University Senate Code 1.8 and Article XVII altering the procedures for bringing an amendment to the floor of the Senate so that proper notice can be given to all members (approved)
  • 11/2 – Approved Amendment to University Senate Code Article II Section 5 altering the procedures for bringing an amendment to the floor of the Senate so that proper notice can be given to all members (approved)
  • 11/2 and 12/7 – Discussed Pro System with Chris Brown, VP of Faculty Development
  • 12/5 – Received State Legislative Update from Kelly Reynolds, Director of State Relations
  • 12/5 – Reviewed IT Prioritization Plan with Mike Rounds, Interim CIO
  • 12/7 – Approved Amendment to USRR 6.1.5 on computation of time with respect to the judicial board’s availability during breaks (approved)
  • 1/30 – Accepted Calendar Committee Recommendation of Amendment to USRR and the Fall 2022-Summer 2023 Calendar; Amendment to USRR was put on hold for further review.  It was determined that no action needs to be taken.
  • 1/30 – Sent follow up letter to Administration for further clarification on P&R Report
  • 2/8 – Chris Keary, Chief of Public Safety spoke and answered questions
  • 2/8 – Approved Amendment to USRR 1.3.8 and 1.4.4, allowing students with a verifiable medical crisis to be excused from scheduled examinations and the final examination (approved)
  • 3/8 – Approved Amendment to USRR 1.4.7, allowing students with a verifiable unforeseen life event to be excused from a scheduled examination (approved)
  • 3/8 – Approved Amendment to University Senate Code, Article X and XI to decrease the size of committees (approved)
  • 2/6 – Stuart Day presented on online student evaluations and answered questions.  FacEx proposed creating a Faculty Senate Committee to set up mechanisms to increase percentage rates for student evaluations.
  • 2/8 – Voted to “have someone on the committee [that will be reviewing and participating in presentations from a system other than PRO] give an update, regarding the process for the new system and/or invite Vice Provost Brown back in Fall 2018 with an update of the system.”  (sent to provost)
  • 2/13 – Received Federal Legislative Update from Jack Cline, Director of Federal Relations
  • 2/13 – Approved additional Charge to Libraries Committee to evaluate the size of their committee and its charges
  • 3/8 – Approved a Resolution of support for the Tuition Assistance Proposal.
  • 3/8 – Voted that “The University adopt the policy of each instructor being sent an email whenever data entered by the instructor in Enroll and Pay is changed, or the instructor’s password is changed.” (no action taken; IT is working on a new procedure to prevent issues with key log errors)
  • 3/27 – Approved a change to the FacEx Petition Process/Office of the Registrar Procedure allowing the Registrar to grant a cancellation if a student (or KU) has documented contact informing KU of the decision to not attend KU prior to the end of the first withdraw period without filing a FacEx petition
  • 4/3 – Sent letter requesting representation from the Faculty Senate and University Senate on the Provost Search Committee
  • 4/10 – Jointly, with FacEx, hosted Dianne Goddard, Leisa Julian, and Jeff Long, to respond to questions regarding the University’s use of consultants and aircraft
  • 4/12 – Approved Amendment to USRR Article X establishing a University Gift Acceptance Policy-Pending in Provost Office
  • 4/12 – Voted to reprobate Non-Disclosure Agreements being posed to members of University Senate Committees; No further action was taken
  • 4/12 – Approved amendment to FSRR Article V, to establish primary faculty control over the content and implementation of curriculum-Pending in Provost Office
  • 4/12 - Approved amendments to FSRR 7.3.2 and, the procedure for faculty to appeal administrative actions-Amendment was revised and approved in FY2019
  • Faculty Code of Rights, Responsibilities and Conduct, approved by Chancellor, Sept 8, 2016
  • Form Ad-Hoc Cost Savings Committee
  • Review language on Enroll and Pay login
  • Revised USRR, CODE, FSRR to gender neutral language
  • Approved Campus Carry resolution, December 1, 2016
  • Approved proposed amendments - FSRR 6.1.2 FSRR 6.1.2 which added “with 1970 Interpretive Comments” to correct title of 1940 AAUP statement on Academic Freedom and Tenure and FSRR 7.4.1 which added faculty participation in evaluation procedures
  • Approved amendments proposed by SPPT - FSRR 6.5 regarding self-initiating promotion and tenure procedures and FSRR regarding conflict of interest
  • Approved amendment to Faculty Evaluation Policy for Tenure-Track and Tenured Faculty Members regarding change in time of required review from three to five years
  • Voted to approved USRR 1.3.2, regarding scheduling conflicts between final and regular exams
  • Voted and approved proposed changes to USRR Article IX, Research Misconduct
  • Met with KBOR, at Lawrence campus
  • Created DEI committee to review student representation on University Senate, along with other concerns
  • Approved amendment to University Senate Code Article X, Section 2 (ACEC membership) changing requirement of Faculty Senate member to faculty member
  • Approved amendment to University Senate Code Article X, Sections 2 (AP&P membership) adding Director of Student Academic Services in the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences as ex-officio, non-voting member
  • Approved University Senate Code Article XI, Section 2(A) removing the requirement that one student member be from AbleHawks and adding the Director of AAAC (Academic Achievement and Access Center) as an ex-officio member
  • Approved amendments to the appointment policy for University Senate Code Article X, Section 2 (Libraries Committee membership), and Article XI, Section 4, III and IV (Judicial Board) changing appointment approval from the Provost to the respective governance bodies with a letter of endorsement from the Provost
  • Approved USRR 1.3.1 regarding Calendar Committee’s periodic review of final exam rotation and working with the Office of the University Registrar to ensure appropriate and equitable scheduling official exams
  • Approved USRR 2.2.8 regarding grade replacement, particularly if subsequent grade is lower than original grade
  • Approved USRR 2.2.10 regarding new grading system for School of Pharmacy clinical rotations
  • Approved USRR 2.9.1 adding instructor approval to FacEx Appeals
  • Approved amendment USRR 6.9.1 designating that the Chief Justice of Parking Appeals be responsible for placing the Parking Appeals procedures in the KU Policy Library
  • Approved USRR 2.2.5 regarding new grading system for graduate theses and dissertations; Amendment pending until review by Graduate Studies in FA16; Approved FY2017
  • Approved University Senate Code Article II, Section 2 moving the election to Faculty Senate from February to March
  • Approved amendment to University Senate Code Article II, Section 4 adding that the Secretary of the Faculty Senate assume the duties of Parliamentarian of the Faculty Senate and FacEx
  • Approved FSRR 1.1.1 adding Post-tenure review to the University units’ lists of organizational statements required to be filed and available on the Policy Library
  • Approved the Calendar Committee’s recommend procedure for final exams on multiple campuses, determining that the Registrar add final examinations on multiple campuses to “Conflicting Examinations” under “Final Exam Policies”
  • Created the Ad Hoc Committee on Post Tenure Review, and the Ad Hoc Weapons on Campus Committee
  • Discussed and approved new academic calendar as recommended by Calendar Committee
  • Endorsed Tobacco Free Initiative
  • Passed a resolution to “Request of the Five-year review committee of James Pottorff, University General Counsel to delay consideration for three weeks until all of the university community can participate in the online survey”
  • Approved discontinuance of L.L.M Elder Law Program
  • Approved Jonathan Clark’s proposal to create an ad hoc committee to study gender equity
  • Approved Mike Williams’ proposal to create an ad hoc committee on freedom of speech
  • The Faculty Code of Rights, Responsibilities and Conduct was approved on May 5, and emailed to all faculty for a 21-day review period, ending on September 7, 2016
  • Reviewed and edited IP (Intellectual Properties) policy and Employee Invention Assignment Agreement
  • Approved University Academic Assessment Committee (UAAC) Member Selection Process Policy Draft
  • Discussed Drone Policy 
  • The Faculty Code of Rights, Responsibilities and Conduct was approved on April 14, and it was emailed to all faculty for a 21-day review period which ends on May 12. The proposal was forwarded to the Provost for consideration in mid-May.
  • FacEx and the Faculty Senate heard a presentation from Andrew Torrance, chair of the “Bi-Campus Committee on Patent Ownership and Faculty Consultation.” The Faculty Senate endorsed the committee’s recommendation, and it is being considered by the Provost now.
  • FacEx discussed the recommendation from the FRPR committee (Faculty Rights, Privileges, and Responsibilities) regarding the issue of “excused absences for University activities,” such as debate or athletics. FacEx agreed with FRPR that the decision should remain with individual faculty.
  • FacEx discussed and approved recommendations from Larry Hoyle, chair of the Faculty Senate Research Committee, to change the guidelines used for the committee’s 3-year review of GRF fund. The report was forwarded to the Vice Provost for Research.
  • FacEx heard a presentation from Student Senate leaders Zach George and Miranda Wagner regarding a Student Senate proposal regarding optional online professor evaluations. FacEx recommended that the students visit further with Andrea Greenhoot at the Center for Teaching Excellence about questions for their survey. Carothers expects that this proposal will be brought back to FacEx next year.
  • FacEx heard a presentation from Student Body President Morgan Said regarding a Student Senate Resolution urging faculty to add information about “mandated reporter status” on course syllabi. FacEx forwarded this resolution to Faculty Senate for discussion at today’s meeting.
  • The KU procedures regarding the Regents’ Social Media Policy were discussed at several meetings of SenEx and the University Senate this spring, approved by the Senate, and forwarded to the Provost. Mayhew said the Provost hopes to implement the policy this summer so that faculty and staff have the protection of the procedures. Approved by University Senate April 9, 2015 and sent to Provost April 14, 2019.
  • The Senate approved amendments to University Senate Rules 1.3.9 and 1.4.5 regarding finals and other exams for KU students serving in the military. The changes allow the students to be excused from final exams, but it is the responsibility of student to initiate discussion with instructor to come to mutually agreeable method of making up missed exam. The Chancellor approved this change. Approved by University Senate October 9, 2014, Approved by Provost and Chancellor March 10, 2015.
  • The University Senate approved amendments to the University Senate Code to implement the merger of the Unclassified Senate and the University Support Staff Senate into the single “Staff Senate.” These amendments were approved by Chancellor. Approved FY2016.
  • SenEx received the report of the Task Force on Domestic Partner Benefits chaired by Margaret Severson. A Resolution to the Chancellor regarding the report was approved by the Senate and forwarded to the Chancellor. 
  • CODE Art. XII, Section 2 concerns the ex-officio, non-voting members of the Libraries Committee. The amendment provides for a representative from all three library staff categories—library support staff, unclassified library staff, and library faculty.
  • USRR 3.1.2 concerns requirements for graduation. The amendment addresses the delay by some institutions in transferring credits for graduating KU students. Previously, if the transcript was received late, the student was required to apply for retroactive graduation. The amendment allows the School/College to grant exceptions in such cases.
  • FSRR and modify sections on Promotion and Tenure to clarify that, when the intermediate review committee requests additional information, a candidate will receive communication regarding a negative recommendation and the reasons for that recommendation.
  • FSRR and modify sections on Promotion and Tenure to ensure that candidates receive written feedback about a chair or dean’s reasons for supporting a negative recommendation or not supporting a positive recommendation.
  • FSRR 7.4 is a new section that has been added to Article VII.  Article VII deals with Faculty Rights and Responsibilities. FSRR 7.4 establishes a link between the FSRR and University faculty evaluation policies including annual evaluations and post-tenure review. It specifies substantive and procedural requirements for such policies that affirm core values and requires Faculty Senate approval as a component of adoption and amendment procedures.
  • CODE Art. I and II – The amendments clarify that voting in the University Senate and Faculty Senate may take place by a show of hands or by voice vote. Voting may also take place by private ballot when approved by two-thirds of the present and voting members. (FY2013)
  • CODE Art. VII – The amendment allows the non-voting, ex-officio representative of the Unclassified Senate or the Support Staff Senate on the University Senate Executive Committee to vote if the voting member is absent. (FY2013)
  • CODE Art. XII – The amendments add a fourth student to the University Senate Athletic Committee; the additional student will be elected by the Student Athlete Advisory Committee. (FY2013)
  • CODE Art. XII. 2 – The amendment reduces the size of the University Senate Standing Committee on International Affairs. (FY2013)
  • CODE Art. XIII. 4(a) – The amendment expands the pool of faculty eligible to serve as law members on the University Judicial Board by including the Law School’s clinical professors and non-probationary associate clinical professors of law. (FY2013)
  • Updated procedures in Policy Library for dismissal of tenured faculty (FY2012)
  • Approved amendments to the Restricted Research Policy (FSRR Art. IX) (FY2012)
  • Approved amendments to Faculty Senate Rules (FSRR) Art. (re UCPT), FSRR 7.3 (re dismissal of tenured faculty) and FSRR 7.1 (revised Faculty Code of Rights, Responsibilities & Conduct) (FY2012)
  • Created new Task Force on Promotion and Tenure (FY2012)
  • Approved amendments to USRR 2.2 (policy on incomplete work) (FY2012)
  • Approved amendments to Univ Senate Code 13.2 (requiring Parking Commission to hold two public meetings) (FY2012)
  • Approved amendments to USRR 1.3.2 (final exam policy for online classes) (FY2012)
  • Approved amendment to USRR Art. VIII (program discontinuance for inactive academic programs) (FY2012)
  • Approved amendment to Univ. Senate Code XIV (Judicial Functions) and USRR V and VI (Conflict Resolution) prompted by federal Office of Civil Rights changes in sexual harassment policies (FY2012)
  • Approved amendment to USRR 1.3.2, final exam policy (FY2011)
  • Approved amendments to USRR 2.2.7 (credit/no credit), 2.2.8 (grade replacement, and 2.6.7 (academic misconduct) (FY2011)
  • Approved Hearing Procedures for the Faculty Rights Board (FY2011)
  • Created Task Force on Tuition Assistance for Employees, Partners, and Dependents (FY2011)
  • Created Task Force on Sabbatical Leaves; received final report of task force (FY2011)
  • Approved amendments to University Senate Rules 3.2.1 (Honorary Degrees), USRR 6.2.1 3 (grievances), and USRR 2.2.8 (grade replacement in repeated courses) (FY2011)
  • Appointed TF on Domestic Partner Benefits; approved recommendations; forwarded to Chancellor (FY2010)
  • Discussed and approved new academic calendar as recommended by Calendar Committee (FY2010)
  • Approved revisions to Open Access Policy and Implementation Details (FY2020)
  • Approved SenEx Football Plan for faculty/staff seating (FY2010)
  • Approved changes to English Proficiency Requirement for Undergraduate International Students (FY2010)
  • Approved resolution to amend KU’s Non-Discrimination and Equal Opportunity Policies to support rights of transgender individuals (FY2010)
  • Approved amendments to Faculty Senate Rules, Art. VI, re promotion and tenure procedures (FY2010)
  • Approved amendments to Faculty Senate Rules, Art. VII, re jurisdiction/responsibilities of the Faculty Rights Board (FY2010)
  • Supported Board of Regents’ resolution regarding the state’s budget for Higher Education. (FY2010)
  • Passed resolution regarding the importance of Neighborhood Elementary Schools in Lawrence (FY2010)
  • Approved the new Conflict of Interest form proposed by the TF on Conflict of Interest  (FY2010)
  • Discussion about Employee Invention Agreement Form for faculty and staff to sign (FY2009)
  • Passed recommendation proposed by the Academic Computing Committee for the administration to provide access to technological equipment to staff (FY2009)
  • Discussed/endorsed new six-year agreement with Athletic Corporation for faculty/staff tickets to men’s basketball games (the “SenEx Basketball Plan”) (FY2009)
  • Received/discussed/approved massive report from TF on the Handbook for Faculty and Other Unclassified Staff
  • Approved policy on “Open Access to KU Scholarship” (FY2009)
  • Appointed Task Force on Unclassified Academic Staff (FY2009)
  • Appointed TF on Conflict of Interest Policy (FY2009)
  • Approved statement on Criminal Background Checks for employees (FY2008)
  • Appointed new Task Force on Scholarly Misconduct (FY2008)
  • Created new task Force on Employment Benefits to look at all benefits, including domestic partners. (FY2008)
  • Approved a statement on behalf of Council of Faculty Senate Presidents re the intrinsic value of education (FY2008)
  • Appointed new Task Force on the Handbook for Faculty and Other Unclassified Staff (FY2008)
  • Approved new evaluation form recommended by the TF on Assessment of Teaching and Learning (FY2008)
  • Participated in KU’s strategic planning initiative (FY2008)
  • Discussed/approved amendments to Scientific Misconduct Policy (FY2008)
  • Discussed/approved hearing procedures for Faculty Rights Board (FY2008)
  • Passed resolution on diversity and sent to the Lawrence City Commission (to support their establishment of domestic partner registration in the city) (FY2007)
  • Discussed Provost’s proposal for a more comprehensive admission requirement for KU(FY2007)
  • Discussed/approved recommendations from the Task Force on Teaching and Learning (FY2007)
  • Overhauled Governance System and University Senate Code (FY2006)
  • Changed course Withdrawal Policy and Credit/no credit Policy (FY2006)
  • Changed Promotion and Tenure Policies (made them more open and more clearly defined) (FY2007)
  • Made major changes to the Restricted Research policy (FY2006)
  • Passed policy on Interruption of the Tenure Clock (for family-related reasons) (FY2006)
  • Passed resolution reaffirming academic freedom, including the right to offer courses that examine controversial subjects (FY2006)
  • Tuition enhancement fund allocations (FY2005)
  • Salary compression and inequities (FY2005)
  • Changed and updated the Handbook for Faculty and Unclassified Staff (FY2005)
  • Created Parking Commission (FY2005)
  • Created Conflict of Interest/Technology Transfer Policy (FY2005)
  • Created Faculty/Staff Plan for distributing basketball tickets to men’s games (FY2006)