Standards and Procedures on Promotion and Tenure FY2025

Committee Details:

Committee: Standards and Procedures on Promotion and Tenure
Committee Category: Standing Committees of the Faculty Senate
Fiscal Year: FY2025


  • Nisha Fernando, Architecture & Design, Faculty, Voting, 2025
  • Chair: Uma Outka, Law, Faculty, Voting, 2025
  • Teri Finneman, Journalism & Mass Communications, Faculty, Voting, 2026
  • Brittany Melton, Pharmacy, Faculty, Voting, 2026
  • Ariel Linden, Slavic,German,Eurasian Studies, Faculty, Voting, 2026
  • Russ Osterman, Chem & Petroleum Engineering, FacEx Representative, Ex-officio, Non-voting,
  • Amy Mendenhall, VP for Faculty Affairs, Ex-officio, Non-voting, 


Standing Charges

  1. Review department and school criteria and procedures for promotion and tenure pursuant to section of the Faculty Senate Rules and Regulations for consistency with the requirements of Article VI of the rules and regulations, and approve criteria, guidelines, and procedures that are consistent with those requirements.  Identify inconsistencies and coordinate with the Provost’s Office to provide feedback to departments, the College, schools, and other administrative units to correct problems.  Submit issues that cannot be resolved to FacEx as provided in section (ongoing). This includes tenure and non-tenure track faculty if University policy exists.
  2. Review guidelines and forms developed by the Provost, and procedures developed by the UCPT, pursuant to for consistency with the requirements of Article VI of the rules and regulations and identify problems or concerns.  Provide comments to the Provost and UCPT, and report issues that cannot be resolved to FacEx as provided in section (ongoing).
  3. Promote and facilitate compliance with the standards and procedural requirements of Article VI of the Faculty Senate Rules and Regulations by maintaining and disseminating guidance documents for departments, the College, schools, and other administrative units (ongoing).  Faculty Affairs (Or Governance?) will send a “call to submit” on behalf of the chair to all departments regarding the FSRR Section 6.3.8 requirement.
  4. Work with the Office of Faculty Affairs to make sure documents are provided by the programs for SPPT review.  Faculty Affairs will notify units of deadlines for submission of P&T criteria for reviews in the first week of October and first week of March.
  5. Monitor the implementation of Faculty Senate Rules and Regulations concerning Promotion and Tenure.  Identify issues and problems as they arise and report recommendations to FacEx as needed (ongoing).
  6. In coordination with the Policy Office, annually review technical modifications to Promotion and Tenure policies submitted to the Policy Library.

Specific Charges

  1. Assist University stakeholders with ongoing development of guidelines for including and accounting for work in the areas of service, community-engaged scholarship etc., and entrepreneurship in the promotion and tenure process.
  2. Develop plans for SPPT to become a more pro-active and effective committee. Set up a system so that future iterations of this committee can work constructively with the Administration to accomplish two main goals:
    1. Identify recurring or past problems in tenure and promotion procedures and practices and take steps to fix those problems.
      1. Gather information from past chairs of P&T committees (above Department level)
      2. Gather information from past chairs of Faculty Right Board
      3. Establish a protocol that automatically shares any external review comments about P&T processes with SPPT
    2. Use  best Practice guidelines and exemplary documents to guide departments and schools whose procedures are reviewed by SPPT.
      1. Review department procedures that have been approved by past SPPT committees and identify exemplary documents (e.g., statements of mentoring plans)
      2. Review documents used to guide mid-level and above review (in schools that do that) and ensure they promote assessments in line with FSRR.
  3. Be prepared to consult with United Academics of the University of Kansas (*UAKU) if requested, in matters of relevant to the work of the committee.   

Meeting Minutes

FY2025 SPPT Committee

Standards and Procedures on Promotion and Tenure FY2025