International Affairs FY2025

Committee Details:

Committee: International Affairs
Committee Category: Standing Committees of the University Senate
Fiscal Year: FY2025


  • Chair: Wyatt Haywood, Slavic, German, & Eurasian Studies, Staff, Voting, 2025
  • Minyoung Kim, Business, Faculty, Voting, 2025
  • Yi-Yang Chen, Music, Faculty, Voting, 2025
  • Megan Greene, History, CLAS, Faculty, Voting, 2026
  • Masoud Kalantari, Chemical and Petr. Engineering, Faculty, Voting, 2027
  • Elena Semyonova-Smith, Award Processing Services, Staff, Voting, 2025
  • Monroe Hanson, ATLAS, Staff, Voting, 2027
  • Christopher Mason, International Support Services, Staff, Voting, 2027
  • Hamp Henning, Student, Voting, 2025
  • Ayo Olanreqaju, Student, Voting, 2025
  • Rim Chaif, Graduate Student, Voting, 2025
  • TBD, Graduate Student, Voting,
  • Charlie Bankart, International Affairs Rep., Ex-officio, Non-voting, 


Standing Charges

  1. Develop contact with the leadership of both international organizations/offices and organizations/offices that should engage in internationalization. Ensure that connections will persist once specific leaders leave the university. Summarize contacts and discussion in final report.
  2. Conduct a survey of international students on a 3-year cycle about their concerns and perceptions of KU resources (i.e., inflation, housing and food costs, safety, health and healthcare, and other resources).
    1. Year 1: Create and distribute survey. Create report.
    2. Year 2 and 3: Develop recommendations for KUIA, ISS, and other relevant parties, which could include both implementation of services and increasing awareness of existing services. Monitor actions taken in response.
  3. Review and make recommendations on the following:
    1. New policies that relate to the studies, research, teaching, and exchange programs of the KU international community.
    2. How the University may better acknowledge and support the KU international community and incorporate cross-cultural competencies within the university’s diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging (DEIB) mission and initiatives.
  4. Review the International Student Fee, health insurance, and other fees that affect international students, including how they are utilized, as well as proposed increases and how such decisions are made.
  5. Committee members should monitor events and global challenges (e.g., war, women’s rights, economic insecurities) and consider how these are impacting or being experienced by the KU international community. The committee should monitor KU’s response to such events and subsequent support for the KU international community, and work with the University Senate President to elevate concerns and recommendations to the Provost and Chancellor.

Specific Charges

  1. Track progress on the ACE Internationalization Lab report recommendations, specifically inviting speakers from the Office of International Affairs (KUIA) and International Student Services (ISS) to provide updates about the implementation of ACE goals aligned with Jayhawks Rising.
  2. In consultation with ISS and KUIA, continue to work to find out about supports for job opportunities for KU degree-holders and license-holders in the U.S. and outside the U.S., and ways that companies may prioritize international students with KU affiliation in the hiring process.
  3. Collaborate with ISS and KUIA to identify opportunities for funding for international students while at KU (e.g., grants, scholarships).

Meeting Minutes

International Affairs Committee Meeting Minutes - October 8, 2024
International Affairs Committee Meeting Minutes - November 13, 2024

International Affairs FY2025