International Affairs Meeting Minutes

Meeting Details:

Fiscal Year: FY2025
Time: 10:00am
Location: Zoom
Minutes Recorded By: Shayla Murphy
Minutes Approved On:


Attending Members

  • Wyatt Haywood 
  • Megan Greene
  • Hamp Henning
  • Leena Smith
  • Hollie Hall
  • Masoud Kalantari
  • Chris Mason
  • Ayomide Olanrewaju
  • Charlie Bankart 

Other Attendees

Shayla Murphy

New Business

Introductions of Committee Members

Review of Charges:

Standing Charge #1: This charge is a prominent charge for the committee this year:
Develop contact with the leadership of both international organizations/offices and organizations/offices that should engage in internationalization. Ensure that connections will persist once specific leaders leave the university. Summarize contacts and discussion in final report.

Standing Charge #2: We’re on that cycle – part of the outreach:
Conduct a survey of international students over a 3-year cycle about their concerns and perceptions of KU resources (i.e., inflation, housing and food costs, safety, health and healthcare, and other resources). 
a.    Year 1: Create and distribute survey. Create report.
b.    Year 2 and 3: Develop recommendations for KUIA, ISS, and other relevant parties, which could include both implementation of services and increasing awareness of existing services. Monitor actions taken in response.

Ace Internationalization Lab:

In 2021-2022 Academic Year (started Fall 2020), KU partnered with American Councils on Education in a 2-year self-study on the state of international education at KU:

 Connected with students, faculty, and staff across the university to look at how they’re supported, what are their interests, and how KU is aligned to support international work structurally, policies/procedures, and inbound/outbound student mobility. 
There were 5 different committees organized around the work - there were surveys, interviews, discussion groups with both internal and external stakeholders. 
The result was a report with data and recommendations. An external panel reviewed the report. 
A final report was submitted to the Chancellor and Provost which presented the findings coming out of the Internationalization Lab. 
Advocating for global competency.

July 1: Five centers that were part of College of Liberal Arts & Sciences came under International Affairs to help with stronger alignment across campus.

One of the big issues the lab highlighted was how invisible KUIA was to many people on campus: 
Charlie has really been working on integrating international into strategic planning. 
Now international is a piece of strategic planning and we’re much more actively engaging with people in units that we didn’t previously have regular relationships with. 
KUIA communication strategy has been changing over the years – more action to come to make resources more visible and findable.We’re in year 3 for the survey. 

Are there resources to look at and what recommendations is everyone leading towards based on the survey results? International Services works with all units across campus, and we want to make it the best it can be.

Who sits on the Kansas Board of Regents as a student rep or for KU? Could that person come talk to us regarding health insurance for students, so we know what’s going on? 

International students are required by law to have health insurance. They can’t opt out. 
KBOR meets with United Healthcare Student Resources – they vote on the plan for the next year. 
There is a student rep on it, and they vote on the plan. 
Undergrad international students who don’t have a GT appointment need to pay a lot for health insurance. The committee is important because it sets the rate. 

Standing Charge #5: Committee members should monitor events and global challenges (e.g., war, women’s rights, economic insecurities) and consider how these are impacting or being experienced by the KU international community. The committee should monitor KU’s response to such events and subsequent support for the KU international community, and work with the University Senate President to elevate concerns and recommendations to the Provost and Chancellor.

One of the strengths of this committee is we have a direct line to the provost through University Senate President and Charlie can help communicate as well. We have avenues to talk to people and share views.


International Affairs Committee - October 8, 2024