Upcoming Events in University Governance | April & May

Dear all,

We want to make you aware of some upcoming events in University Governance for our faculty and staff.

April 26, 3-4 p.m.: Excused Absences Informational Session

Senators from both University and Faculty Senate, along with other faculty leaders, will share details and answer questions regarding the recently passed Excused Absences policy amendment (USRR Article II).


April 27, 4:30-5:30 p.m.: Forum on Recommended Actions from COACHE Faculty Satisfaction Survey

The COACHE advisory team has been working to draft action step recommendations in response to the survey data and the feedback gathered at the engagement sessions. Please join us for a hybrid forum, open to all Lawrence and Edwards faculty, during which University Governance leaders will present the recommendations to improve faculty satisfaction at KU. The Provost and Chancellor will address next steps and implementation.


Postponed - April 28, 1-2 p.m.: Public Forum with CFO

CFO Jeff DeWitt will give a short presentation on KU’s current financial situation and plan, which will be followed by questions from the audience. There is also an online opportunity to submit questions ahead of time. David Slusky, Professor of Economics and Chair of the University Senate Planning and Resources Committee, will moderate.

Attend the forum to learn more about:

  • How KU will incorporate the Kansas governor’s budget into its financial planning
  • Strategic Enrollment Management
  • All-Funds Initiative
  • Continuous Improvement Program
  • The Ongoing Competitive Pay Study


May 12, 1-2 p.m.: How to Write for the Public | Part 2

The team from Made by History—Brian Rosenwald and Kathryn Brownell—will review the nuts and bolts of op-ed writing and then help participants think through ideas for potential op-eds. This will include advice on finding news hooks, where to pitch ideas, how to structure pieces, and answering any questions that participants have.



Please contact the Governance office (govern@ku.edu, 785-864-5169) if you have any questions.

Thank you for all you do,

Ani Kokobobo, University Senate President

Nate Brunsell, Faculty Senate President