Statements & Updates

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Volunteers Needed for Governance Committees

The University Senate calls for volunteers to serve on various Governance committees and Staff Senate.

Ombuds Amendment (21-day Review)

SenEx has referred to the University Senate a proposed amendment to the USRR, which was approved at the last University Senate meeting. This communication serves as the official 21-day review to campus on this proposed policy change.

Working Together to Define Shared Governance Within Our Community

University Governance leaders, the Provost, and the Chancellor share the members and charges of the advisory team that will be responding to the recent call to re-define Shared Governance at KU.

October Updates from University Governance

University Governance leaders share updates from the Governance office, including progress in re-defining Shared Governance, recent successes regarding the Employee Tuition Assistance Program, and upcoming opportunities to participate.

Ombuds Proposed Amendment (7-day Notice)

SenEx has referred to the University Senate a proposed amendment to the USRR, which will be voted on at the next University Senate meeting. This communication serves as the official 7-day notice to campus on this proposed policy change.