Restricted Research FY2014 Final Report
Exemption to Restricted Research-Chang Hwan Kim (PDF)
Exemption to Restricted Research-Chang Hwan Kim, The Role of Education and Labor Market Structures in Explaining Differences in Defined Contribution Plan Participation.
Exemption to Restricted Research-Diana Greer (PDF)
Exemption to Restricted Research-Diana Greer, Center on Online Learning and Students with Disabilities (COLSD 3/28/14).
Exemption to Restricted Research-Art Hall (PDF)
Exemption to Restricted Research-Art Hall, FERPA DUA, approved 2/7/14.
Exemption to Restricted Research-Dan Tran (PDF)
Exemption to Restricted Research-Dan Tran, NCHRP Synthesis Topic 45-02, approved 1/24/2014.
Exemption to Restricted Research-Emily Rauscher (PDF)
Exemption to Restricted Research-Emily Rauscher, Variation in Intergenerational Transmission by Genotype, approved 1/3/2014.
Exemption to Restricted Research-Perry Alexander (PDF)
Exemption to Restricted Research-Perry Alexander, ArmoredSoftware, approved 9/18/2013.
Exemption to Restricted Research-Erik Perrins (PDF)
Exemption to Restricted Research-Erik Perrins, Dual S&C-Band Telemetry Transmitter System.
Exemption to Restricted Research-Patrica Weaver (PDF)
Exemption to Restricted Research-Patrica Weaver, Examining the Effects of Separate Non-Emergency Medical Transportation (NEMT) Brokerages on Transportation Coordination, approved 2/7/14.
Exemption to Restricted Research-D. Greer (PDF)
Exemption to Restricted Research-D. Greer, Virginia Department of Education Research Project, approved 6/20/13.