International Affairs FY2018

Committee Details:

Committee: International Affairs
Committee Category: Standing Committees of the University Senate
Fiscal Year: FY2018
Fiscal Year: 2018


  • Faculty Chair: Celka Straughn, Spencer Museum, (2018)
  • ​Faculty: Melissa Birch, Business, (2018)
  • Faculty: Kapila Silva, Architecture, (2019)
  • Faculty: Manuela Gonzalez-Bueno, Curriculum & Teaching (2019)
  • ​Staff: Pallavi Singh, Achievement & Assessment Inst (2020)
  • ​Staff: Seth Brooks, Internal Audit (2019)
  • ​Student & Vice Chair: Paola Alor,
  • Student: Farah Salabila,
  • ​Ex-officio, Charlie Bankart, Associate Vice Provost, International Programs


Standing Charges

  1. Promote all appropriate means of communication with International Students, Faculty and Staff, with special emphasis on seeking information from them about their needs and concerns. 
  2. ​Report on and give recommendations on how International Students are made aware of various polices, such as Conceal and Carry.  Due November 15, 2017.
  3. Report on and make recommendations on how the University may better accommodate    access of International Student’s to supportive services. February 15, 2018
  4. Hear reports on strategic planning and activities from IP units, suggest changes or new directions, and facilitate collaboration among faculty and administrative units. 
  5. ​Review and provide input on new policies that relate to international research and teaching.
  6. ​Identify concerns or issues for discussion and action related to KU’s international affairs from students, faculty, and staff.

Meeting Minutes

Report on Notifying International Students of Policies - Nov. 15, 2017 (pdf)
IA Meeting Minutes - April 5, 2018 (pdf)

Final Reports and Outcomes

IA Final Report FY2018 (pdf)

International Affairs FY2018