Academic Policies and Procedures FY2022

Committee Details:

Committee: Academic Policy and Procedures
Committee Category: Standing Committees of the University Senate
Fiscal Year: FY2022
Fiscal Year: 2022


  • Karen Moeller, Pharmacy Practice (2022)
  • Faculty: Antha Spreckelmeyer, Humanities (2022)
  • Faculty: Alison Gabrielle, Linguistics (2022)
  • Faculty: Joe Walden, Business (2023)
  • Faculty: Michael Eckersley, Design (2023)
  • Staff: Ashleigh Wilson, Assistant Director, Student Housing (2022)
  • Staff: Sarah Wilson Merriman, Student Access Center (2023)
  • Voting, Student: Ari Chavarria 
  • Voting, Student: Geoffrey Brown
  • Voting, Graduate Student: Suman Rath
  • Ex-officio, non-voting: Undergraduate Advising Executive Committee, Jason O'Connor, Business
  • Ex-officio, non-voting: University Registrar or designee, Tiffany Robinson
  • Ex-officio, non-voting: Director of Student Academic Services in the CLAS , Karen Ledom
  • Ex-officio, non-voting: Graduate Studies, Amber Roberts Graham, 


Standing Charges

  1. Be prepared to respond to SenEx requests for reviews of academic policy issues. (ongoing)
  1. Monitor proposals for academic program restructuring and discontinuance, hold hearings, and follow other procedures in accordance with Article VIII of the University Senate Rules and Regulations. Report issues or recommendations for action to SenEx. (ongoing)
  1. Consider input from Student Senate on desired changes to academic policies. (ongoing)

Specific Charges

  1.  As of June 3, 2021, there are five programs that will require academic program discontinuance hearings.  (as of 9/9/21 there are 14)  

  2. Evaluate including religious observations as an excused absence to USRR on final examinations.
  1. Evaluate a permanent change to policies and procedures disallowing students to withdrawal or change their grading scale to credit/no credit for a course due to a finding of academic misconduct with the sanction of “reduction of grade for the course.

Meeting Minutes

AP&P Meeting Minutes - Feb. 11, 2022
AP&P Meeting Minutes - March 11, 2022

Final Reports and Outcomes

AP&P Final Report FY2022 (pdf)
AP&P Recommendations from Fall 2021 Hearings

Academic Policies and Procedures FY2022