Academic Policy and Procedures Meeting Minutes
Meeting Details:
Attending Members
- Chair: Karen Moeller, Pharmacy Practice (2021)
- Faculty: Alison Gabrielle, Linguistics (2022)
- Faculty: Michael Eckersly, Design (2023)
- Faculty: Antha Spreckelmeyer, Humanities (2022)
- Staff: Sarah Wilson Merriman, Student Access Center (2023)
- Ex-officio, non-voting: Tiffany Robinson, University Registrar designee
- Ex-officio, non-voting: Karen Ledom, Director of Student Academic Services in the CLAS
Other Attendees
- Rémy Lequesne, Faculty Senate President
- Shannon Portillo, Associate dean of academic affairs for the KU- Edwards Campus.
- Matt Melvin, Vice Provost - Enrollment Management
- Casey Fraites-Chapes, Associate Director of Admission
- Cindy Sanders, Director- Student Information Systems. Assistant Vice Provost- Enrollment Management
Absent Members
- Faculty: Joe Walden, Business (2023)
- Staff: Ash Wilson, Center for Sexuality and Gender Diversity
- Ex-Offico: Jason O’Connor, Business, Undergraduate Advising Executive Committee
- Ex-Officio: Kristine Latta, Graduate Studies
New Business —
Discussion of KBOR credit cap and FSRR 2.5
Background: KBOR amended their policy that redefines a Baccalaureate Degree at their November 2021 meeting. The amendment gives universities permission to accept community college credits for all lower-division courses (or up to 75 credits for a 120-credit-hour Baccalaureate Degree), but only if the university and community college enter into a transfer agreement in accordance with (d). KBOR policy Ch. 3, Section 9b part ii (2):
- Reviewed our current policy FSRR 2.5.4 and the potential need to amend if we agree to allow more than 60 credits from a community or junior college. AP&P met Feb 11, 2022, but needed more information on transfer agreements and processes of transfer agreements before continuing discussing.
- Current FSRR 2.5.4: No more than sixty-four semester hours may be transferred as credit from a community or junior college.
- Shannon Portillo presented on the background of the pilot program with Edwards Campus and the history of KBOR policy. Key points are as followed:
- Previously KBOR had a cap that limited transfers of Community/Junior colleges credits (CC) to 60 hours. This cap does not exist for transfers from other 4-year colleges. Example - Students can take the exact same class at a 4 Year college or CC, if they already have 60 credit hours complete, they would be able to transfer the course from a 4-year college but not CC
- Concern that this policy created some unintentional equity issues as students at CCs are more likely to be first-generation and students of color.
- A pilot program was approved by KBOR with KU-Edwards and JCCC to enter in a transfer agreement and allow additional credit hours to be allowed to transfer. Results from the pilot found an increase in students transfering from JCCC to Edwards. Students GPA increase when coming from JCCC to Edwards. Retention rates were above 90%.
- These results were presented to KBOR along with the equity concerns which lead to amendments of their policy to allow all institutions to equalize transfer between 4-year colleges and CC but they made it an opt-in policy. KU- Edwards has opted in and has a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with JCCC and an agreement with KCCC that allows students to opt into this policy. The hope is to expand this for all CC. Currently, KUL has not opted in at this time. Individual programs at KUL would have to create these MOU.
- Previously KBOR had a cap that limited transfers of Community/Junior colleges credits (CC) to 60 hours. This cap does not exist for transfers from other 4-year colleges. Example - Students can take the exact same class at a 4 Year college or CC, if they already have 60 credit hours complete, they would be able to transfer the course from a 4-year college but not CC
- Discussion occurred between members and invited guest
- A key point of the KBORs policy is that it focuses on quantity (other policies vet the quality, Transfer and articulation council. Faculty get together and vet courses). If a class is already approved through the quality process it should be a part of the quantity process
- The group did identify several administration burdens with the KBOR changes and the opt-in approach for KUL. MOU could exist for some programs and not others. Students will need appropriate advising as they still need to meet the major requirements, residency requirements, etc.
- The committee recognized that since KU-Edwards has entered into agreements a need to adjust FSRR 2.5.4
A motion was made and seconded to amend FSRR 2.5.4 to the following: 2.5.4 No more than sixty-four semester hours may be transferred as credit from a community or junior college unless the University of Kansas enters into a transfer agreement in accordance with the definition of a baccalaureate degree in KBOR policy Ch. 3, Section 9b part ii (2).
Motion passed
Reviewed the wording for the credit/no credit policy and academic misconduct that was voted on in Feb 2022 meetings. All members agreed the following wording: "Reduction of grade for the Course: Reduction of grade may include the assignment of an F in the course. If the charged student dropped, withdrew, or changed their grade to credit/no credit from the course prior to the outcome of the adjudication, the course will be reinstated, if dropped or withdrew, and assigned the letter grade as determined by the outcome of the hearing."