Upcoming Opportunities in University Governance | Feb. & March

Dear all,

We want to make you aware of some upcoming events in University Governance for our faculty and staff.

Participate in University Governance

The COACHE faculty satisfaction forums with faculty are going on this week and part of next week. A full schedule of the ongoing forums is on the AIRE website.

University Governance needs nominations for both Faculty and Staff Senate. We are still accepting nominations for Faculty Senate, and nominations for Staff Senate are open through the end of the week. Please nominate yourself or a colleague to serve in Governance!

Feb. 28, 3:30-5 p.m.: KU Core Alignment with Systemwide Gen Ed

Today we will have an open forum with Susan Klusmeier, Vice Provost for Academic Success and Jonathan Brumberg, Associate Professor in Speech, Language, and Hearing and Chair of the University Core Curriculum Committee to discuss the statewide General Education package and the work they have done to align these curricular requirements with our KU Core. They will do a short presentation and take questions.

Zoom Details:

March 2, 3:15-4 p.m.: Faculty Senate Meeting

The Faculty Senate will host Provost Bichelmeyer this Thursday. She will offer remarks and take questions and answers.

Zoom Details:


Thank you for all you do,

Ani Kokobobo, University Senate President

Nate Brunsell, Faculty Senate President