Task Force on Tuition Assistance for Employees, Partners, and Dependents FY2012-2013

Committee Details:

Committee: Task Force on Tuition Assistance for Employees' Partners and Dependents
Committee Category: Task Forces
Fiscal Year: 2012



Donna Ginther, Professor, Economics – FY12 - FY 2013 chair

Faculty representative

Jennifer Gleason, Assoc. Professor, Ecology & Evol. Biology (appointed 3/2012)

Unclassified Staff representative

Susan Mercer

Associate Director

Institute for Policy & Social Research

University Support Staff representative

Sheila Orth

Library Associate (appointed 3/2012)

Student representative

Drew Harger (appointed 3/2012)


Helen Dong

Associate Director

Budget Management and Fiscal Services


Angie Loving

Employment Manager/Research Liaison

Human Resources and Equal Opportunity


  1. Investigate the desirability of KU’s establishing a tuition assistance program for faculty and staff. Such assistance may include tuition waivers or tuition reductions, and the eligible students may include the dependents of faculty and staff members, the spouses and domestic partners of faculty and staff members, and/or faculty and staff members themselves.

  2. Ascertain such assistance provided by existing programs, such as the tuition assistance program for staff members and the Coca-Cola Scholarships.

  3. Identify a set or sets of peer institutions and ascertain which do, and which do not, currently have more comprehensive tuition-assistance programs.

  4. Estimate the likely annual cost and benefit of such a program for KU, and identify possible funding sources.

  5. Consider the desirability and feasibility of provisions for comparable benefits or other equal treatment for faculty and staff at KU who do not have partners or dependents, whose partners or dependents do not go to college, or whose partners or dependents go to college somewhere other than KU.

  6. If a more comprehensive tuition-assistance program seems desirable for KU, propose specific parameters for such a program. Parameters should address eligibility, degree of assistance, admission process waivers, and other policy details.

Final Reports and Outcomes

Tuition Assistance Task Force Final Report April 15, 2013 (PDF)

Letter from Provost Office Regarding Tuition Assistance - 10/2/13 (PDF)

Task Force on Tuition Assistance for Employees, Partners, and Dependents FY2012-2013