Task Force One Staff Senate FY2014

Committee Details:

Committee: Task Force One Staff Senate
Committee Category: Task Forces
Fiscal Year: 2014

Committee Description

Task Force – Review All Staff Senate

 A task force comprised of Unclassified Professional Staff, University Support Staff, and University Governance Representation will explore the feasibility of creating one senate to represent all KU Staff. This group will examine questions that need to be addressed in creating such a group, create a potential timeline for the adoption of a new senate and draft proposed rules and regulations for presentation to both current senates by November 3, 2014. 

The task force will contain three members of the Unclassified Staff and three members of the University Support Staff.


University Support Staff:

Rhonda Birdsong, Public Safety Office, rbirdsong@ku.edu

Chris E Wallace, Housing Office Administration, ewallace@ku.edu

Ann Snow, libraries, asnow@ku.edu

Unclassified Staff:

Greg Smith, Biodiversity Institute, gsmith@ku.edu

Jonathan Perkins, Ermal Garinger Academic Resource Center, jperkins@ku.edu

 Anne Dotter, University Honors Program, annele@ku.edu

University Governance:

Kathleen Levy, klevy@ku.edu

Kathy Reed, kreed@ku.edu

General Counsel: (as needed)

Rachel Rolf


A task force comprised of Unclassified Professional Staff, University Support Staff, and University Governance Representation will explore the feasibility of creating one senate to represent all KU Staff. This group will examine questions that need to be addressed in creating such a group, create a potential timeline for the adoption of a new senate and draft proposed rules and regulations for presentation to both current senates by November 3, 2014. 

Meeting Minutes

See Draft Code - Under Final Report

Final Reports and Outcomes

University of Kansas Staff Senate Code (draft December 4, 2014) (PDF)


Task Force One Staff Senate FY2014