University Senate Meeting Minutes

Meeting Details:

Fiscal Year: FY2024
Time: 3:15 p.m.
Location: Zoom
Guest Speaker: Carol Smith, Dean of Libraries
Minutes Recorded By: Caty Movich
Minutes Approved on:


Attending Members

  • Aaron Howard
  • Alexander Erwin
  • Alicia Swimmer
  • Andi Back
  • Angela Robb
  • Bozenna Pasik-Duncan
  • Brian Moss
  • Chris Wallace
  • Corinna Lynn Johnson
  • David Day
  • Deanne Arensberg
  • Hara Talasila
  • Jason Dailey
  • Jeremy McLeod
  • Jessica Chilcoat
  • Josh Arpin
  • Kevin Barnes
  • Kim Conard
  • Kristi Neufeld
  • Liz Barton
  • Lorin Maletsky
  • Marissa Marshall
  • Mary Dykmann
  • Mugur Geana
  • Muhammad Hashim Raza
  • Robert Eppler
  • Sam Brody
  • Samantha Simmons
  • Sarah Wilson Merriman
  • Simrah Javed
  • Tim Hossler
  • Trina Weekly
  • Vance Sorell
  • Victor Gonzalez

Other Attendees

  • Caty Movich
  • Suzanne Scales
  • Carol Smith
  • Angela Andres
  • Brook Nasseri
  • Chloe Gough
  • Gwen Geiger Wolfe
  • Jeff Chasen
  • Jennifer Hanson
  • Josh Bolick
  • Marianne Reed
  • Matt Jacobson
  • Michelle Curttright
  • Shaunna Price
  • Sunita Gandhi
  • Suzanne McAlister
  • Teresa Reiter
  • Wyatt Haywood

Approval of Previous Minutes

Meeting minutes from Nov. 30, 2023. Motion to approve by Marissa Marshall. Seconded by Jessica Chilcoat. Motion passed unanimously.

Guest Speaker Presentation

Guest Speaker: Carol Smith, Dean of Libraries

Kevin Barnes, University Senate Vice President, presided over the meeting and introduced Dean Carol Smith.

  1. Carol introduced herself and her experience in shared governance throughout her career, including her work on the history of shared governance. She encouraged KU community members to reach out if they want to connect with her and to take advantage of upcoming coffee hours. Carol also noted that she has been enjoying collaborating with the University Senate Libraries Committee. Finally, the KU Libraries will be hosting a State of KU Libraries presentation on March 21st, 11 a.m., in Watson 3 West.
  2. Carol shared a shortened version of the presentation she delivered at the KU Libraries’ recent strategic alignment meeting.
    1. Highlights include a revamped mission and vision statement, statistics from each branch of the libraries, and the planned elimination of library fines. Carol also discussed the development of KU’s library services and roles throughout recent history and moving into the near future, from information providers in the 20th century, to knowledge service providers today, to moving towards fully integrated academic, research, and community partners.
    2. The 6+ library locations demonstrate different areas of focus, such as research, special collections, student engagement, and disciplinary resources. Carol also used these spaces to highlight the shift in library resources from physical, printed materials to online documents and databases.
    3. Carol reviewed how the KU Libraries are organized and highlighted each branch’s reliance on library staff.
      1. The Distinctive Collections branch involves much more than the collections themselves. Spencer Research Library hosts events and classroom visits, the conservation lab both works on materials and serves as a teaching space, and our international collections serve to further KU’s internationalization goals.
      2. The Research and Engagement branch provides consultations for researchers and library instruction sessions. Carol highlighted the open access journals that KU Libraries hosts and the open access publishing that it supports. The University Senate Libraries Committee has been very engaged on this topic.
      3. Statistics from the Cataloging, Acquisitions, and Access Services branch demonstrate that printed materials and physical spaces still matter, despite the shift of resources and interactions online.
    4. Carol shared information about the KU Libraries’ capital projects, including the Watson Library renovation, the Anschutz Library augmentation, and the expansion of the Annex.
    5. Kevin asked about the mention of NAGPRA on one of the slides. Carol shared that she is on a steering committee that is charged with working with constituents across campus to create a single database for all of KU of relevant holdings. This is important so that tribes can identify items that they would like to review and about which they want to have conversations with KU.
  3. Carol shared a draft of the KU Libraries strategic plan and emphasized that it is very aspirational and resource dependent. It is organized by the core goals of Jayhawks Rising.
    1. Student Success includes innovative physical library spaces, integrated and scaffolded library instruction, partnerships with experiential learning, and financial availability.
    2. Healthy and Vibrant Communities integrates DEIB throughout and includes a guide to emergent scholars, increased community engagement, leisure and creative collections (e.g., “Gadgets to go”), and sustainability efforts.
    3. Research and Discovery includes increased digitization, open access publishing, research data accessibility, a more integrated “digital ecosystem,” and internationalization.
  4. Q&A
    1. In your first several months here, what is the most surprising thing you’ve learned about KU? Are we behind anywhere? Are we ahead anywhere?
      1. Carol was surprised at the scale of everything happening at KU as a R1 institution, as well as how siloed things are. Carol has also found that KU seems to really value its libraries, which she has not encountered everywhere.


Student Senate Report

Reporter: DaNae Estabine (Student Senate Vice-President)

No report

Staff Senate Report

Reporter: Chris Wallace (Staff Senate President)

No report

Faculty Senate Report

Reporter: Victor Gonzalez (Faculty Senate President)

Victor met with Ed Hudson, Chief Information Security Office, who planned to be a guest speaker at the most recent Faculty Senate meeting but could not make it. Ed shared that his office is working on modernizing the security authentication system for heighted ease and security. They are also working on expanding the multi-factor authentication (MFA) system to students and improving education.

University Senate Report

No University Senate President

New Business

AP&P Recommendations for Inactive Program Discontinuance

  1. Both programs are inactive and the AP&P Committee’s recommendations were emailed to senators. Kevin asked if anyone had comments about the discontinuances and recommendations.
  2. Undergraduate Certificate in Sports Media
    1. Mugur Geana spoke to clarify one of the AP&P Committee’s concerns regarding this certificate. He shared that the program generated enough interest to be replaced with a concentration in the major.
    2. Motion to vote by Mugur Geana. Seconded by David Day. Motion passed unanimously.
      1. VOTE: 26 in favor; 0 not in favor; 4 abstained. Passed.
    3. The University Senate recommends discontinuance of the Undergraduate Certificate in Sports Media.
  3. Graduate Certificate in Social & Emotional Wellness
    1. Motion to vote by Jessica Chilcoat. Seconded by Vance Sorell. Motion passed unanimously.
      1. VOTE: 26 in favor; 0 not in favor; 4 abstained. Passed.
    2. The University Senate recommends discontinuance of the Graduate Certificate in Social & Emotional Wellness.

University Senate executive vacancies: President and President-Elect

Motion to move into closed session by Jessica Chilcoat. Seconded by Sarah Wilson Merriman. Motion passed unanimously.

University Senate - Feb. 1, 2024

Member for

2 years 4 months
Submitted by Caty Movich on