University Senate Meeting Minutes
Meeting Details:
Attending Members
- Josh Arpin Jillian Parsons
- Sam Brody Robert Eppler
- Frank Weinhold Muhammad Raza
- Teri Chambers Brendan Mattingly
- Brian Moss Scott Mark
- Jessica Chilcoat Chris Wallace
- Shawn Lawson Marissa Marshall
- Wyatt Haywood Mary Dykmann
- Nathan Binshtok Jeremy McLeod
- Evanna Dominic Sasha Sharman
- Brendan Falen Kenna McNally
- Jonathan Grant Trina Weekly
- Mishelle Denton Bozenna Pasik-Duncan
Other Attendees
- Barbara Bichelmeyer
- Jill Hummels
- Suzanne Scales
- Kim Warren
- Jeff Chasen
- Mariya Borisova
- Isabella Waters
- Caleb Snider
- Amy Mendenhall
- Shayla Murphy
Approval of Previous Minutes —
Meeting minutes from November 7, 2024: Brendan Falen motions to approve the minutes. Jessica Chilcoat seconds the motion. Minutes approved by acclamation.
Guest Speaker Presentation —
Guest Speaker: Provost Barbara BichelmeyerProvost Barb Bichelmeyer talked about “One KU” efforts which are actively starting. This includes aligning the KU Lawrence and KU Medical Center campuses into a One University format to help further the academic mission.
Resolution on the Green New Deal: Provost Bichelmeyer acknowledges and appreciates the resolution is comprehensive and includes great ideas to unpack. This will work well with the Campus Master Plan and the newly formed Environmental and Sustainability Committee.
Student Senate Report
Undergraduate Report:
- Student Senate had Student Council meeting last night to close the year 2024. Recently reinstated the Safety and Sustainability Board so had elections last night.
- Holidays in Higher Ed Event is tomorrow, December 6, at the Kansas Union Hawk’s Nest on the ground floor from 5pm – 8pm: everyone welcome.
Graduate Report:
- Graduate Student Advisory Board and Office of Graduate Studies is now hosting a monthly coffee hour the third Wednesday of every month with the Associate Vice Provost of Graduate Studies, Dr. Ric Steele, and other stake holders (associated with Graduate Studies). The next coffee hour will be Wednesday, Dec 18th in Office of Graduate Studies, Room 213 Strong Hall from 4pm – 5pm.
- Graduate Student Advisory Board (GSAB) is enacting its Constitution. Vote went out today and hope to have it in place by next meeting with Provost next Wednesday. The GSAB is also going over some policy reviews.
Staff Senate Report
Teri met with Angie Loving and Chari Young regarding One KU and Staff Senate Professional Development Funds.
- The professional development funds through Staff Senate are being heavily utilized and are running out of funding earlier each year.
- Discussing ways to move forward so professional funds may be utilized without relying so heavily on Staff Senate and so that the departments/units may have more funds directly available to be used for professional development.
- Ideally the Staff Senate professional development funds could then be used to bring in guest speakers for professional development.
- The Staff Senate Personnel Affairs Committee is wrapping up its review and proposed update to the Inclement Weather policy.
The Ad Hoc IT Committee has been working on some code updates that will be going to Staff Senate Executive Committee. This may have effects on University Senate code so will likely be sharing more in the spring semester
Faculty Senate Report
- Sam attended KBOR meeting in Manhattan, KS where Sam had opportunity to meet with other Faculty Senate Presidents.
- There is interest among other KBOR universities in a proposal to encourage pathways for high school students to come to college with up to fifteen college credits in Canvas.
- While this could be loss in tuition up front, the policy may lead to greater enrollment which could be especially beneficial to smaller schools. This could also affect the Statewide Literacy Campaign.
- Faculty Senate adopted a Core 34 Letter, and this has been expanded. Chancellor requested the expanded letter to have in preparation for the next KBOR meeting.
- Faculty Senate will also be sending a letter of support to Provost for reinstatement of Dr. Tao.
University Senate Report
- Sam and Josh were part of interviews for the new Faculty Affairs Associate Vice Provost for Faculty Policy and Recognition.
- Josh had ad hoc meetings regarding items to review this spring including Stop Week and Finals Week -and what’s allowable – along with re-evaluating some exam policies.
- Many faculty don’t give standard exams during finals week. There may be projects given in lieu of final exams. The policy is more specific to final exams.
New Business —
First group of items to review for vote includes clarification on AP&P recommendations for active program discontinuance proposals:
- At the last meeting in November, University Senate voted on several active academic program discontinuances. However, the Undergraduate Certificate in Critical Thinking and Writing and the Undergraduate Certificate in Creative and Analytical Writing were not discussed as separate programs.
- The Undergraduate Certificate in Bioengineering was also not previously included.
- The Undergraduate Certificate in Leadership Studies was approved for discontinuance but was subsequently delayed due to a request of potentially moving the program to another academic unit. However, that academic unit has decided it’s not feasible to take on the program.
University Senate voted on the proposed discontinuation of the following active programs:
- Undergraduate Certificate in Critical Thinking and Writing
- Undergraduate Certificate in Creative and Analytical Writing
- Undergraduate Certificate in Bioengineering
- Undergraduate Certificate in Leadership Studies
Brendan Falen motions to approve the University Senate AP&P recommendations to discontinue the programs. Jessica Chilcoat seconds the motion. Motion passes by acclamation. The recommendations will be sent to Provost and Chancellor for final review and decision of approval.
AP&P recommendations to the University Senate for inactive program discontinuation include:
- Undergraduate Certificate in PharmD Research
- Undergraduate Certificate in Biotechnology
- BSB in Accounting and Business Administration
- Undergraduate Certificate in French, Francophone & Italian Studies
Jessica Chilcoat motions to discontinue the inactive programs. Brendan Falen seconds the motion. Motion approved by acclamation and will be sent to Provost and Chancellor for further review.
University Senate Code Article X Amendment: Graduate Membership to be specifically stated in the committee structure of University Senate AP&P, Athletic, and Calendar Committees that don’t currently specify graduate student membership.
SenEx has reviewed this as an initial consideration -- but this is first time proposing to the entire University Senate. To vote at University Senate today, need to suspend Senate Code Rule 1.8.2:
- Brendan Falen motions to suspend Senate Code Rule 1.8.2 and Brendan Mattingly seconds.
- Voting Poll goes out to voting members to suspend the rule – needs two-thirds vote.
- Vote approved unanimously.
Motion to approve changes to University Seante Code Article X for specifying graduate student representation: Brendan Falen motions to approve and Brenda Mattingly seconds. Poll went out for vote. Motion to modify Article X approved.
Letter of Support for Student Resolution for a Green New Deal:
- Would University Senate like to send a letter of support for the Student Resolution for the Green New Deal?
- This concept of the resolution will likely form much of the structure for the Environmental and Sustainability Committee.
- Provost has already approved the committee so not sure if a letter of support is needed, but open to thoughts from others.
University Senate wouldn’t need to directly vote on this unless there are objections. No objections raised.
Josh will draft a letter of support and will pass it to Sasha, making sure there is student input.