SenEx Meeting Minutes

Meeting Details:

Fiscal Year: FY2023
Time: 3:00 p.m.
Location: Zoom
Minutes Recorded By: Tessa Maclean
Minutes Approved on:


Attending Members

  • Chris Wallace
  • Nate Brunsell
  • Kristin Villa
  • Teri Chambers
  • Jessica Chilcoat
  • Nick Syrett
  • Amanda Mollet
  • Betsy Barnhart
  • Alessia Roark
  • Corey Maley
  • Sam Brody
  • Ani Kokobobo
  • DaNae Estabine

Other Attendees

  • Kathy Reed
  • Tessa Maclean
  • Jeff Chasen

Approval of Previous Minutes

Approval of minutes from May 3, 2022, motion made by Wallace, seconded by Chambers, passed unanimously.


Student Senate Report

Reporter: Alessia Roark (Student Senate Vice-President)
  1. Joint senate on 4th of May – appointed student senate representatives
  2. Some conflict between Student Senate Constitution and the USC
  3. Student fee was presented to the Fiscal Affairs Committee at KBOR, looks favorable that that fee will pass

Staff Senate Report

Reporter: Jessica Chilcoat (Staff Senate President)
  1. We switched to our new session in April
  2. D&I trainings over the summer (no full senate)
  3. Climate survey went out earlier, and the results are being compiled now, I will provide an update here when we have that data

Faculty Senate Report

Reporter: Nick Syrett (Faculty Senate President)
  1. KBOR meeting: staff at KBOR are working on a new general ed transfer policy, KBOR staff are changing it to have every University under KBOR have the same requirements, we are not for this, it is probably unnecessarily
  2. We are allowed to submit comments to the Provost’s Office who will submit them to KBOR, want to go back to making the gen ed requirements count as gen ed requirements for every university

University Senate Report

Reporter: Ani Kokobobo (University Senate President)

Went through all the amendments that the Provost just approved:

  1. CODE Article X. Section 3. Membership on RRB Committee - To Provost: April 5, 2022
  2. CODE Article II. Section 1: Faculty Senate Membership - To Provost: May 2, 20221
  3. USRR 2.3.3 Compassionate withdrawal   - To Provost: April 4, 2022
  4. USRR 2.1.6, 1.3.11, 1.4.8 - To Provost: May 2, 2022
  5. FSRR 2.5.4 Transfer Hours - To Provost: May 15, 2022

Unfinished Business

SenEx Organization

Kokobobo briefly described the structure of the University Senate and SenEx and went over University Senate Discussion Protocols.

Shared Governance

  • Went through the recent message from the Chancellor
  • Dialog is happening, needs to continue


New Business

Charges for 2022-2023 University Senate Standing Committees

  1. Academic Computing & Electronic Communications (ACEC)
  2. Academic Policies & Procedures (AP & P)
  3. Athletics
  4. Calendar
  5. International Affairs
  6. Libraries
  7. Planning & Resources (P & R)
  8. Retirees Rights & Benefits (RRB)

Motion to approve all made by Wallace, seconded by Villa. Passed unanimously.

Ad Hoc Committee on Communication and Outreach

  1. A brief discussion was had about what this committee would do to boost our profile across the university community, for example, newsletters, Twitter, emails, monthly update videos, town halls, etc.
  2. Kokobobo is going to draft charges and send them to the SenEx committee.

Closed Meeting

Motion to move to a closed meeting made by Wallace, seconded by Villa.

Appointment of chairs to University Senate Committees

Motion made to adjourn the closed meeting, and go to open meeting by Wallace, seconded by Chambers.

SenEx - May 20, 2022

Member for

2 years 4 months
Submitted by Caty Movich on