SenEx Meeting Minutes

Meeting Details:

Fiscal Year: FY2023
Time: 1:00 p.m.
Location: Zoom
Minutes Recorded By: Caty Movich
Minutes Approved on:


Attending Members

  • Becci Akin
  • Brian Moss
  • Hollie Hall
  • Josh Arpin
  • Kristin Villa
  • Sam Brody
  • Teri Chambers
  • Trina Weekly

Other Attendees

  • Caty Movich
  • Suzanne Scales

Approval of Previous Minutes

Meeting minutes from April 18, 2023. Motion to approve by Hollie Hall. Seconded by Teri Chambers. Motion passed unanimously.


Student Senate Report

Reporter: Hollie Hall (Graduate Student Body President)

No report

Staff Senate Report

Reporter: Teri Chambers (Staff Senate President-Elect)

Summer full senate meetings are serving as DEIB trainings. Normal meetings will resume in September.

Faculty Senate Report

Reporter: Victor Gonzalez (Faculty Senate President)

No report

University Senate Report

Reporter: Kristin Villa (University Senate President)
  1. Working on instituting an equity advisor in the University Senate space. It could rotate through the President-Elect and Vice President roles, so that it is not only a faculty member. We will work on it this year.
    1. Would this require prior experience or expertise in DEIB issues? Would it be a separate position?
    2. We cannot necessarily afford the stipend for a separate person, so we are hoping to give it to someone who is already getting a stipend. But we are working with DEIB to figure out the details. Hollie pointed out that pay works differently for student representatives and officers.
  2. Kirk McClure contacted Kristin to discuss the Gateway project and where the funding is coming from. We should consider where that debt is held. We can invite Kirk to a fall University Senate meeting.
    1. There are a lot of unknowns surrounding this project’s financials. We need to work to get answers.

Unfinished Business

All-funds allocation is affecting divisions that rely on other units’ budgets. They cannot figure out their budgets until the other divisions figure out their own.

This fall is going to be the biggest freshman class ever. There isn’t space in the dorms, so KU is trying to find other housing for them. How are we going to ensure that freshman living outside the dorms are going to get the college experience that KU originally promised them? How are we going to prevent this issue in the future? On-campus housing is especially crucial for international students who don’t have a network already.

New Business

University Senate Standing Committee Charges

  1. Academic Computing and Electronic Communications (ACEC)
    1. Adjusted language around frequency of inviting specific guests to committee meetings.
    2. Motion to approve by Sam Brody. Seconded by Josh Arpin. Motion passed unanimously.
  2. Academic Policies & Procedures (AP&P)
    1. Updated Specific Charge #3 to encompass the impact on all constituents, not just faculty.
      1. This charge was referred by FacEx, so do we need to wait for Student Senate to refer a similar charge?
      2. The education around this policy is going to be crucial. Throughout the policy amendment process, campus received inconsistent messaging. Involves other evolving components, e.g., instructors may rethink their attendance/participation policies/grading practices.
      3. University could provide an office/group/service that facilitates make-up work.
    2. Why does Specific Charge #2 refer to FY2020 recommendations?
      1. AP&P had a similar charge for FY2020 and provided recommendations, but there wasn’t any action taken, whether due to the pandemic or rejection of recommendations.
    3. How do we keep the committee accountable for gathering Student Senate input? Since this is stated explicitly as Standing Charge #3, it is not appropriate to rely on student representatives to speak for Student Senate.
      1. Added step for committee to contact the Student Body Vice President and Graduate Student Body President to facilitate Student Senate input.
    4. Motion to approve by Teri Chambers. Seconded by Trina Collins. Motion passed unanimously.
  3. Athletics
    1. Simplified language of Standing Charge #1.
    2. Expanded “time commitments” of Specific Charge #3 to clarify the relationship between athletics and education.
    3. Motion to approve by Hollie Hall. Seconded by Sam Brody. Motion passed unanimously.
  4. Calendar
    1. Discussed importance and options for Specific Charge #1.
    2. Expanded “student workload” to include “other university deadlines and obligations.”
    3. Motion to approve by Hollie Hall. Seconded by Teri Chambers. Motion passed unanimously.
  5. International Affairs
    1. Edited the committee description to encompass all international students rather than only “incoming” students.
    2. Hollie Hall provided background to Standing Charge #6, specifically history and utilization of the International Student Fee.
    3. Added “license-holders” to Specific Charge #6. Hollie also provided background.
    4. Motion to approve by Hollie Hall. Seconded by Kristin Villa (proxy for Cambrey Nguyen). Motion passed unanimously.
  6. Libraries
    1. Brian Moss provided background to Specific Charge #1, specifically dwindling funds to maintain collections and journal subscriptions.
    2. Hollie Hall mentioned the importance of improving the accessibility of and access to library resources, which has been discussed in Student Senate. Created Specific Charge #2.
    3. Motion to approve by Teri Chambers. Seconded by Josh Arpin. Motion passed unanimously.
  7. Planning & Resources (P&R)
    1. Revised Specific Charge #3b to be less specific regarding who the committee meets with about debt ownership.
    2. Motion to approve by Kristin Villa (proxy for Cambrey Nguyen). Seconded by Josh Arpin. Motion passed unanimously.
  8. Retirees Rights & Benefits (RRB)
    1. Motion to approve by Hollie Hall. Seconded by Kristin Villa (proxy for Cambrey Nguyen). Motion passed unanimously.


Move to closed session to discuss personnel matter.

SenEx - June 28, 2023

Member for

2 years 4 months
Submitted by Caty Movich on