SenEx Meeting Minutes

Meeting Details:

Fiscal Year: FY2025
Time: 2 pm
Location: Zoom
Minutes Recorded By: Suzanne Scales
Minutes Approved on:


Attending Members

  • Brendan Falen
  • Brendan Mattingly
  • DaNae Estabine
  • Evanna Dominic
  • Jessica Chilcoat
  • Josh Arpin
  • Misty Heggeness
  • Sam Brody
  • Teri Chambers
  • Trina Weekly


Other Attendees

  • Suzanne Scales

Approval of Previous Minutes

Meeting minutes from April 16, 2024. Motion to approve by Misty Heggeness. Seconded by Evanna Dominic. Motion passed unanimously.


Student Senate Report

Reporter: DaNae Estabine

There was a decision of an appeal and DaNae will be serving as Student Senate President. Evanna Dominic introduced herself as the new Student Senate Vice President. DaNae reported that they are hiring executive staff. The graduate student advisory board is getting a graduate student appointed. They have been hired for various positions.

Staff Senate Report

Reporter: Teri Chambers

The Staff Retreat was in June at the Edwards Campus. There was a past presidents’ panel. They shared their past experiences. There was professional development in the afternoon. Because of the new bill, the training was changed to active bystander training. By August, they hope to vote on the “Impact” committee chair, in consultation with others of certain issues pending due to the new bill.

Faculty Senate Report

Reporter: Sam Brody

FacEx had the summer meeting earlier and faculty were appointed to committees. We must figure out what is going on with Faculty Senate Committees considering the new Union. These Union negotiations between a year or two. There should be a clear break between the Union and the Faculty Senate Committees. The Provost Retreat is next month.

University Senate Report

Reporter: Josh Arpin

Josh has been navigating what he must take part in as President. He will be involved in the Provost Retreat. In the School of Business, the dean is stepping down in the interim. The provost will be appointing an interim dean for the business school. Some areas of questions Josh has received are the Union, AI, and the Excused Absences Policy.

Unfinished Business

The committee did not have unfinished business to discuss for this meeting 


New Business

The University Senate charges were reviewed.

ACEC. The draft charges were shared. There were comments on standing and specific charges. The changes were discussed. Hearing no other discussion, and objections to approve, the charges were approved.

AP&P. The draft charges were shared. The changes were discussed. Brendan Mattingly moved to accept the charges, as amended. Sam Brody seconded. The charges were approved.

Athletic Committee-The draft charges were shared. A discussion followed. Jessica Chilcoat made a motion to approve the charges as amended. Brendan Falen seconded. Motion passed.

Calendar Committee. The draft charges were shared. A discussion followed and the charges were amended. Jessica Chilcoat moved to approve the amended charges. Brendan Falen seconded. Charges were approved.

International Affairs charges. The draft charges were shared. A discussion followed and the charges were amended. Trina Weekly moved to approve the amended charges. Brendan Mattingly seconded. Charges were approved.

Library Charges. The draft charges were shared. A discussion followed and the charges were amended. Brenda Falen moved to approve the amended charges. Jessica Chilcoat seconded. Charges were approved.

Planning and Resources. The draft charges were shared. A discussion followed and the charges were amended. Misty Heggeness moved to approve the amended charges. Jessica Chilcoat seconded. Charges were approved.

Retirement Rights and Benefits. The draft charges were shared. A discussion followed and the charges were amended. Jessica Chilcoat moved to approve the amended charges. Brendan Mattingly seconded. Charges were approved.

Trina Weekly made a motion to move to closed session to appoint chairs to committees. Josh Arpin seconded. Moved to closed session.

SenEx July 17, 2024

Member for

6 months 3 weeks
Submitted by Shayla M Murphy on