SenEx Meeting Minutes

Meeting Details:

Fiscal Year: FY2023
Time: 3:00 p.m.
Location: Zoom
Guest Speaker: Karla Leeper (Vice Chancellor, Strategic Communications & Public Affairs)
Minutes Recorded By: Caty Movich
Minutes Approved on:


Attending Members

  • Alessia Garcia
  • Angela Davis
  • Ani Kokobobo
  • Chris Wallace
  • Corey Maley
  • DaNae Estabine
  • Hollie Hall
  • Jessica Chilcoat
  • Kristin Villa
  • Nate Brunsell
  • Samuel Brody
  • Teri Chambers

Other Attendees

  • Jeff Chasen
  • Karla Leeper
  • Caty Movich
  • Suzanne Scales

Approval of Previous Minutes

Meeting minutes from December 6, 2022. Motion to approve by Teri Chambers. Seconded by Hollie Hall. Motion passed unanimously.

Guest Speaker Presentation

Guest Speaker: Karla Leeper (Vice Chancellor, Strategic Communications & Public Affairs)
  1. Governance has a monthly update for business updates, which is only sent to faculty and staff. What are our guidelines for University Governance communications and parameters for possible statements of support?
    1. Currently our system can’t do all the things it should, which is creating challenges. HR is currently working on a new email system that will generate distribution lists more effectively and accurately.
    2. What is the function of university broadcast emails? They have a vast audience and represent a vast voice. They should carry a broad institutional message.
      1. E.g., broadcast emails probably shouldn’t carry statements of support because it assumes a certain level of agreement.
      2. Instead, we can create subset groups. E.g., Faculty Senate could have a list of faculty members with which to communicate. Individual groups can boost or resend other groups’ messages.
        1. Governance has email lists, but they aren’t updated.
  2. Is email the best method to communicate Governance messages?
    1. We need a news/events section on the KU homepage.
    2. We need information to adequately trickle down from deans, chairs, etc., while also being available to everyone from the beginning.
    3. We need a person whose job is to think about internal communication daily. Karla is trying to re-allocate resources to create this position.
  3. Governance is different. As elected representatives, should we have a right to choose how we communicate and what we communicated? Governance is not “just another organization.”
    1. Karla is less concerned about the content of the communication and more concerned about the channel.
    2. Messages from Governance will represent a different level of peer understanding than messages coming from administration.
    3. Karla is also interested in asking Governance to look over communications to make sure they are effective for our constituents. They can also utilize faculty experts.
  4. What are things we should consider when drafting broadcast emails?
    1. Karla’s team is working on communication templates. These encompass elements of effective communication and branded elements. There will also be a list of do’s and don’ts.
    2. They will be hosting some professional development sessions about such communications.


Student Senate Report

Reporter: Alessia Garcia (Student Senate Vice-President)
  1. Passed resolution that is the topic of new business in this meeting.
  2. Passed amendment that created 3 separate branches of governance within Student Senate: Speaker (legislative branch), Director of Justice (judicial branch), President and cabinet (executive branch). The 2 former (new) positions will not be student-wide elections.
  3. Met with the Chancellor to discuss the resolution, updates with the campus fee process, and updates on advocacy for State Higher Ed. Day. The Chancellor responded favorably to the resolution and understood that some type of statement needs to come out. He is reticent for there to be a condemnation and would prefer to offer a statement of support for transgender students. Student Senate will be working with the Office of DEIB on this statement.
  4. Are there any student climate surveys?
    1. No. There is a fee survey going out soon.
    2. There was a graduate student satisfaction survey recently.

Staff Senate Report

Reporter: Jessica Chilcoat (Staff Senate President)
  1. Elections will be upcoming in March. Governance staff will assist.
  2. Plan to work with Corinne Bannon, who is assisting with the COACHE survey results, to put together a working group and recommendations on how to address the Staff Docking survey conclusions. This group would also work with the “Great Colleges to Work For” process.
    1. “Great Colleges to Work For” will be in Spring 2024 and will incorporate the COACHE and Staff Docking survey data.
  3. There are currently 2 University Senate vacancies, which will be going on the agenda for Staff Senate.
  4. Whiteness in the Workplace trainings are beginning soon.

Faculty Senate Report

Reporter: Nate Brunsell (Faculty Senate President)
  1. KBOR is still soliciting feedback from both faculty and staff on the rpk report.
  2. The COACHE public forum and listening sessions are upcoming.

University Senate Report

Reporter: Ani Kokobobo (University Senate President)
  1. With COACHE, the team is building the process while doing it.
  2. There will be a check-in this week to discuss the Shared Governance visioning event. Kathleen Ames Stratton will take charge with the Grove process.
  3. “How to Write for the Public” workshops are upcoming and open to faculty, staff, and students.

Unfinished Business

  1. Discussion of Academic Forgiveness policy moved to next meeting.
  2. Discussion of maintaining climate of mutual respect within University Senate.

Motion to move to closed session to discuss personnel issue by Chris Wallace. Seconded by Corey Maley. Motion passed unanimously.

Motion to move back to open session by Chris Wallace. Seconded by Teri Chambers. Motion passed unanimously.

New Business

  1. Student Senate resolution
    1. Student Senate is working on drafting a statement of support in response to the Chancellor’s guidance.
    2. How can University Senate help?
      1. People with expertise on the matter can provide testimony.
  2. FSRR X.5, Policy on Interim Administrators
    1. Amendment would cap the terms of interim administrators. The hope would be to motivate hiring efforts.
    2. What happens if a replacement has not been hired within the 24 months? Is there any enforcement?
      1. There are no punitive measures, but hopefully it serves as motivation to begin the search immediately.
      2. There could be an extension voted on by either University Senate or within the college/school in question. 12 months? 6 months? Do they need to demonstrate hiring efforts?

SenEx - Jan. 31, 2023

Member for

2 years 4 months
Submitted by Caty Movich on