SenEx Meeting Minutes

Meeting Details:

Fiscal Year: FY2023
Time: 3:00 p.m.
Location: Zoom
Minutes Recorded By: Caty Movich
Minutes Approved on:


Attending Members

  • Alessia Garcia
  • Angela Davis
  • Ani Kokobobo
  • Chris Wallace
  • DaNae Estabine
  • Jessica Chilcoat
  • Justin Blumenstiel
  • Kristin Villa
  • Samuel Brody
  • Teri Chambers
  • Victor Gonzalez

Other Attendees

  • Caty Movich
  • Jeff Chasen
  • Suzanne Scales

Approval of Previous Minutes

Meeting minutes from March 21, 2023. Motion to approve by Chris Wallace. Seconded by Kristin Villa. Motion passed unanimously.


Student Senate Report

Reporter: Alessia Garcia (Student Senate Vice-President)

Not many updates. There are 12 pieces of legislation to act on in the last Student Senate meeting.

Staff Senate Report

Reporter: Jessica Chilcoat (Staff Senate President)

Not many updates. Staff Senate leaders are meeting with the Provost tomorrow.

Faculty Senate Report

Reporter: Nate Brunsell (Faculty Senate President)

No report

University Senate Report

Reporter: Ani Kokobobo (University Senate President)
  1. The Registrar has asked a question about the new capstone requirement policy amendment, which Ani is forwarding to the AP&P committee.
  2. We are having the COACHE final forum on April 27th. The Provost and the Chancellor will attend. Ani and Nate will present the recommendations from the working groups (which they will receive on April 7th), and the Provost and the Chancellor will present on next steps.

Unfinished Business

University Senate Reorganization

  1. Ani has sent the policy language to General Counsel.
  2. SenEx would likewise be reorganized, with 3 voting members from each senate body. Ex officio/non-voting members would remain the same.
  3. Question: Is there a possibility of getting this amendment implemented before the next Senate session? Possibly, it just depends on how fast it moves through the various approvals (the soonest date possible is May 4th).
  4. Motion by Chris Wallace to move the policy forward to University Senate. Seconded by Teri Chambers. Motion passed unanimously.

New Business

CLAS Policy on Online Courses

  1. CLAS has passed policy that mandates all online courses be 8-week and asynchronous, with exceptions granted on a case-by-case basis. There was consultation with neither CUSA nor faculty, and the policy change was only communicated with department chairs. Faculty are unhappy with this control over curriculum being taken away from them. They feel that it would harm students who take classes that are better suited for full-semester courses.
  2. Ani and Nate have submitted comments and will be meeting with the Dean.
  3. Question: Would there be any compensation for faculty having to convert to the 8-week courses? Who owns the content? KU and CODL would own it. Compensation is not in the policy, but Ani has heard that faculty would be paid $4k per course development.
  4. Question: The lack of shared governance around this is concerning. Is a similar conversation/change happening in other schools?

ChatGPT and Academic Misconduct

  1. Should our Academic Misconduct policy (USRR Article 2) change to respond to the development of ChatGPT?
  2. Discussion
    1. The use of ChatGPT seems to be included in “unauthorized aid.”
    2. However, if a student utilizes ChatGPT at various drafting/brainstorming stages, different faculty might interpret that use differently. Some students have also suggested its use as a drafting tool. There are other AI tools that people already utilize (e.g., Microsoft Powerpoint’s format suggestions).
    3. There is a difference between preparation and final product. We currently allow and encourage various kinds of collaboration and utilization of resources for preparation/process.
  3. What do we want to do?
    1. Invite people from CTE? Discuss with University Senate?
    2. Wait for next senate session and assign it to a committee (AP&P). This warrants more consideration.

SenEx - April 4, 2023

Member for

2 years 4 months
Submitted by Caty Movich on