Faculty Senate Meeting Minutes

Meeting Details:

Fiscal Year: FY2025
Time: 3:15 pm
Location: Zoom
Minutes Recorded By: Suzanne Scales
Minutes Approved on:


Attending Members

  • Brendan Mattingly
  • Colin McRoberts
  • Jennifer Delgado
  • Joe Walden
  • Josh Arpin
  • Kristi Neufeld
  • Brad Osborn
  • Lorin Maletsky
  • Marike Janzen
  • Muhammad Hashim Raza
  • Poppy DeltaDawn
  • Roberta Schwartz
  • Sam Brody
  • Samantha Simmons
  • Sean Seyer
  • Stacey Vanderhurst
  • Frank Weinhold

Other Attendees

  • Shayla Murphy
  • Suzanne Scales
  • Jeff Chasen
  • Jari Peters
  • Evanna Dominic
  • Robert Eppler
  • Amy Mendenhall


Faculty Senate Report

Reporter: Sam Brody

FacEx met Dec. 3 and further workshopped the CORE 34 report.  Sam reported he developed a 1-page executive summary and forwarded to the Chancellor.  Sam will not go to the upcoming KBOR meeting. The Provost said the Chancellor will talk about this at the KBOR meeting. Sam is hopeful that KBOR will give us a Regent to invite in the Spring. Sam reported on the Provost meeting yesterday. 

University Senate Report

Reporter: Josh Arpin

Josh said over the break he will look at the Excused Absences Policy.  Yesterday there was an announcement of the Gateway District Project. I would expenct some questions about this. Josh said that potentially SenEx could draft a letter to Athletics and Chancellor about questions about the project. Josh said that a big question is how the project will affect the community. There is a concern of what the benefit of this will be to the University and students, in particular. A comment was made that the transparency will help the environment, though there may disagreement. …

Unfinished Business

Coache Survey.  It is one package. The negotiations supercede certain aspects of Coache, such as wages. Should it be postponed as opposed to cancelled? 


  • How much does the survey costs the University?  The survey cost $25K plus $20 per faculty.
  • Have the Provost administer this again since last it was COVID environment. 
  • Sam said a joint message about the COACHE survey can be sent. 
  • During active noegtiations it is ackward for the manageme nt team administer something where they will get information that could be used in the negotiations.
  • The Union has the responsibility to talk with faculty.  Those currently elected are those who are bargaining. 
  • For transparency, there should be a joint statement about why we are not doing COACHE next year.
  • Is deferral better than the sharing of the data with all the groups? With management administering, it may not look good.
  • There was agreement that Sam should reach out to UAKU about a joint message about the COACHE survey.   

There was a discussion on Gateway District.  There will be discussions at SenEx and a guest speaker about this at University Senate in the Spring.

AI Committee.  Should there be a faculty committee on AI?  Should there be a committee with students included?  Is there usefulness in having a faculty senate ad hoc committee on AI to possibly send something to University Senate, which includes student. There were suggestions that early spring a statement be issued on Chat GPT. Sam asked for feedback on this. A discussion followed on the need for a faculty senate ad hoc committee. We can make up a statement in January and possibly come to a consensus on an ad hoc committee.  Faculty Senate will think about this more. 


SPPT.  How does this committee intersect with UAKU.  When SPPT was editing their on criteria, the question of if what criteria when you are veing evaluated for P&T is at the time you were hired, or later.  This would be an FSRR change. FacEx would begin this change.  Feedback was given:

  • Give the option to use the newer standards
  • How would the experience be for the review committee if there were various criteria. Also, with UCPT who have representatives from across the campus. This could cause confusion.

The University Committee receives the criteria from the department


New Business


Meeting adjourned. 

Faculty Senate - December 12, 2024

Member for

6 months 3 weeks
Submitted by Shayla M Murphy on