FacEx Meeting Minutes

Meeting Details:

Fiscal Year: FY2025
Time: 3:00 pm
Location: Zoom
Minutes Recorded By: Suzanne Scales
Minutes Approved on:


Attending Members

  • Josh Arpin
  • Sam Brody
  • Poppy DeltaDawn
  • Misty Heggeness
  • Brendan Mattingly
  • Russell Ostermann

Other Attendees

  • Shayla Murphy
  • Jeff Chasen
  • Amy Mendenhall

Approval of Previous Minutes

Meeting minutes from September 10, 2024. The minutes were sent before the meeting. Hearing no changes, the minutes were approved.


Faculty Senate Report

Reporter: Sam Brody

Sam reported he was not able to attend KBOR in person. He did attend the Council meeting. The KU nominee who is leaving KU was still awarded. Some of the other schools did not have anyone admitted. Some nominees were rejected because the school’s nominated non-tenured people, which was not allowed this year. KU may want to consider changing this next year to be inclusive of non-tenure. Sam mentioned he will invite Misty Heggeness, President-elect, to a future meeting so she is familiar with this.

University Senate Report

Reporter: Josh Arpin

At the next University Senate meeting we will share the revisions for the Environmental and Sustainability Committee. The changes were the name change of the committee and the membership makeup, including ex-officio members, and the clause to allow non-members to provide expertise, as needed. …

Josh has been talking with Callie Long, VP of Facilities. They are looking at sustainability on a wider level. Another thing with Callie is the heating and cooling on campus during final hours. Callie is collaborating with other administrators to find out which buildings are being used during finals. Josh has a meeting with Charlotte Tritch, the chair of the calendar committee. The committee receives many questions about tests before and during finals week. We are discussing clarifying stop week to students and faculty. There is some education, and possible tweaks to the Code.

Unfinished Business

The committee charges are approved, and the committees can begin their work. We are short some faculty positions including the Faculty Rights Board. We are short Faculty Senators. We need to appoint a FacEx rep to SPPT committee in a closed session. The SPPT is different than the UCPT. SPPT approves the department’s P&T changes.

There was a discussion on FacEx appeals. Many appeals are submitted to Governance and there could be a more efficient process. We will streamline the process. We need to appoint someone and then later discuss streamlining the process.

New Business

Sam discussed the agenda and whether the group wants an open agenda, or a specific agenda item. The pros is that everyone will know what to anticipate and the con is that it would just be Sam setting the agenda. Josh Arpin said that in the past the senate presidents would submit a written report.

Brendan made a recommendation to do a hybrid approach. We can ask for agenda items before. Sam asked for new business items for the next meeting.

FacEx moved to a closed session to discuss a faculty senate position and a judicial board chair appointment.

FacEx - Sept 24, 2024

Member for

6 months 3 weeks
Submitted by Shayla M Murphy on