FacEx Meeting Minutes
Meeting Details:
Attending Members
- Josh Arpin
- Sam Brody
- Brendan Mattingly
- Russell Ostermann
- Poppy DeltaDawn
- Masoud Darabi
- Misty Heggeness
Other Attendees
- Shayla Murphy
- Suzanne Scales
- Uma Outka
- Amy Mendenhall
- Jeff Chasen
Approval of Previous Minutes —
Meeting minutes from September 24, 2024. The minutes were approved, hearing no changes.
Guest Speaker Presentation —
Guest Speaker: Uma Outka
Uma Outka, chair for SPPT committee, joined the meeting. Uma has questions on the committee’s FY 25 charges and needs feedback. Uma asked about Specific Charge 1-Assist University stakeholders with ongoing development of guidelines. Uma explained the SPPT follows the rules and regulations of FSRR. The committee does not see itself as an advisor to the departments. Sam Brody agrees with the committee. This is meant to recognize that the units were putting a new priority on how these things are being weighed and the committee, if asked, could recommend how other units are approaching this. The committee has the advantage that they see all the guidelines. Amy Mendenhall mentioned that Faculty Affairs is thinking of pulling together examples for units. Faculty Affairs is in the first stages of this. FacEx’s intent was to have the committee put units in touch if they could benefit as they are revising P&T guidelines. Uma asked about the outreach component of Charge 2. Uma explained that when a unit sends something to SPPT, Uma shares a checklist with the department to do a self-assessment.
Discussion points:
- Sam mentioned the idea is for SPPT work to build year to year.
- SPPT offers a broad checklist based off FSRR. UCPT provides specific feedback to units.
- It is possible that the committee could, over time, be able to recognize patterns. FRB could provide this type of long-term pattern information.
- Feedback from UCPT to the units may not result in changes to the guidelines because they would not be on SPPT checklist for the units.
Uma said that they would think about how to implement this and get back with FacEx with the committee’s plan.
Uma asked about the charge for exemplary guidelines. The committee has a checklist. The unit’s guidelines are published in the policy library, and they are searchable. FacEx did not intend for the committee to take on new work, but rather to continue as it has in the past.
There was a discussion on the external review comments part of the charge. Uma will think about these comments.
Faculty Senate Report
Sam reported he was at the All Teams meeting where there was a presentation from the Alumni about engagement. Sam takes part in Jayhawks Rising in “Retention”, one part of the Student Success goal. He is thinking of ways to extend that into the Senate work he is doing.
University Senate Report
Josh’s committee on All Teams is on Community Engagement with an International focus. He is also thinking of ways Governance can get involved with this. Josh reported that the University Senate meeting is this Thursday which will be short so everyone can go to the Chancellor’s Address. The main topic of this will be the Environmental and Sustainability Committee. We updated the membership. Josh plans to think of potential charges. Graduate student Brendan has a request to look at the student representation on committees with the request for “graduate” to be included. Students have been asking about the Save our Centers movement. Josh thought there would be more communication from the administration about this. Josh reported there have been program discontinuance hearings. The Business School is getting a substantial number of excused absences. There will be ongoing dialogue about the policy. Faculty have reached out with concern that they are the correct body to decide is circumstances call for an excused absence.
Unfinished Business —
UAKU sent an email, and they announced publicly that there will be a governance component in the contract. The language was to “enshrine governance” in the contract.
Core 34 initiative. About 15 statements were received in the spring. If we do another call, we could request a statement from each School. A call for letters again could be beneficial because faculty are starting to experience the effects.
New Business —
Sam discussed the Faculty Rights Board committee. One appointed person is supposed to be AAUP. Sam questioned if this should be left as it is, or do we need to change this? Sam said that we do not yet know the outcome of this committee in respect to the Union.
A discussion on revising the membership followed. A recommendation was made that FacEx make changes as it sees fit. The procedure for this is to be approved by FacEx, then it goes to Faculty Senate where it needs to pass by 2/3 of those present and voting. This would be a change to the University Senate Code. Sam will work on the language for the revision. One possible change could be to replace AAUP with UAKU. The language does allow a third faculty member, but this would be a one-year appointment.
There was a question whether there is an ad hoc committee that will review the relationship with the Union. It seems FacEx would be the body to do this. It makes sense to have a larger group doing this than just the President. This could be a discussion for the whole Faculty Senate. It would be good to change AAUP to UAKU rep in the membership section of the committee. Sam will draft a light revision to bring to the next session.
Sam Brody motioned to move to closed session to discuss a Judicial Board appointment. There were no objections. Moved to closed session.