FacEx Meeting Minutes

Meeting Details:

Fiscal Year: FY2023
Time: 3:00 p.m.
Location: Zoom
Minutes Recorded By: Suzanne Scales
Minutes Approved on:


Attending Members

  • Nate Brunsell
  • Ani Kokobobo
  • Kristin Villa
  • Victor Gonzalez
  • Sam Brody
  • Betsy Barnhart
  • Corey Maley
  • Justin Blumenstiel

Other Attendees

  • Suzanne Scales

Approval of Previous Minutes

The meeting minutes from the previous FacEx meeting on September 20, 2022 were approved.  Kristin Villa made a motion to approve the minutes.  Motion seconded.  All approved.  None opposed.  Motion passed.


Faculty Senate Report

Reporter: Nate Brunsell (Faculty Senate President)
  1. An offer has been extended for the governance staff position. 
  2. Discussed shared governance and the need to determine the kind of community we want to have
  3. Simon Atkinson will be a guest at the upcoming full faculty senate meeting on the Oct. 20.  Some topics will be transparency and research funding.  We’ll hear his thoughts on research and how we can be included. Wint Winter of the Regents will be a guest the second half of the meeting.  He will discuss KBOR decision making and what is means for tenure across the region.
  4. Governance has been involved with committees for Higher Learning Commission Reaccreditation.  Streamlining of policies between KU campuses will be necessary.  Lou Mulligan is leading this initiative.
  5. A campus email will be coming soon regarding the timelines and processes for the COACHE Climate Survey.

University Senate Report

Reporter: Ani Kokobobo (University Senate President)
  1. A campus email from the provost and governance regarding shared governance will be sent.
  2. University Senate Academic Policies and Procedures (AP&P) committee submitted their approval for the discontinuance of inactive programs.  There was a public hearing on Sept. 28 for the one active program, Holocaust and Genocide Studies.  The committee will meet once again before submitting a recommendation on the active program.
  3. They will meet in October to discuss Sexual Assault amendment.

New Business

There was a discussion of an ad hoc DEIB committee.  The committee will need charges.  DEIB committee will go on the next FacEx agenda.

FacEx - Oct. 4, 2022

Member for

2 years 4 months
Submitted by Caty Movich on