FacEx Meeting Minutes
Meeting Details:
Attending Members
• Sam Brody
• Josh Arpin
• Misty Heggeness
• Brendan Mattingly
• Russ Ostermann
• Poppy DeltaDawn
Other Attendees
• Shayla Murphy
• Suzanne Scales
• Jeff Chasen
Approval of Previous Minutes —
October 29 minutes were sent before the meeting. Sam asked if there were any comments or changes to the minutes. Hearing none, Sam approved the minutes.
Faculty Senate Report
• Sam attended the bargaining session. He recommends anyone who can attend future sessions.
• Sam and Josh met with the Ombuds Office for the annual report. The Ombuds Office shared the goals of the office.
• Sam went to the All-Teams Meeting, Provost Meeting, and Chancellor’s Meeting this week. He reported that the legislature now has control of the budget
University Senate Report
Josh reported the following.
• VP Nicole Hodges Persley spoke at the University Senate about the changes in the state legislature.
• We received an Open Records Request for the University Senate Meeting.
• Josh now has the proposed new academic calendar. He has asked the provost for a timeline of when KBOR needs it for final approval, though he has not received a response. The calendar moves everything forward a week. There could be revisions to faculty contracts, so a specific start date is not stated.
• There are pending amendments/issues with the provost for approval: Open Access, Research GRF, and the International Committee.
• Josh mentioned the scheduling proposal for classes on Monday, Wednesday, Friday. He cited the possible implications for the Business School as an example. The proposal would result in more opportunities to offer classes, but they would lose space for other activities in the building, as a result. Josh thinks the implementation for this is Fall 2025, an aggressive timeline.
• There was an excused absences policy meeting. Workable solutions to some of the issues caused by the updated policy include educating students on the policy and separating “illness” from the other absences in the policy.
Unfinished Business —
Article XIII. Membership for FRB. FacEx will table the issue of revising membership for the Faculty Rights Board for now. FacEx will revisit this in the Spring semester.
CORE 34. The work the ad hoc committee is doing on CORE 34 was discussed with the Chancellor. This could be part of a broader conversation with KBOR.
Sam shared a letter of support for Dr. Tao. Sam will make a google doc and send to FacEx to review and be prepared for a discussion at the Faculty Senate Meeting.
New Business —
Josh Arpin made a motion to move to a closed session to discuss an appointment with the faculty senate. Brendan Mattingly seconded the motion. None opposed.
Returned to an open meeting. Meeting adjourned.