Planning and Resources FY2022

Committee Details:

Committee: Planning and Resources
Committee Category: Standing Committees of the University Senate
Fiscal Year: 2022


Chair: Faculty: Nils Gore, Architecture (2024)

Faculty: Geraldo Sousa, English (2023)

Faculty: Jin Feng, Mathematics (2024)

Faculty: David Slusky, Economics (2023), on sabbatical2021-2022

Faculty: Suzanne Shontz, Engineering (2023) 

Suzanne Shontz is replacing David Slusky, for FY2022

Staff: Christy Imel, Kansas Public Radio (2023) 

Staff: Whitney Juneau, Architecture & Design (2024)

Staff: Bradley Schroeder, Aerospace Engineering (2024)

Voting, Student: 

Voting, Graduate Student: 

Ex-officio: Chief Data Officer, Analytics & Institutional Research, Nick Stevens

                 Senior Associate Vice Provost for Finance, Jason Hornberger




Approved by SenEx: June 3, 2021

Approved by University Senate:  September 9, 2021


Planning & Resources: This committee provides the governance voice and works with administration officials and other governance bodies in the planning processes of the university, including such matters as institutional strategic planning, tuition and related budgetary proposals, and the physical environment of the university campus.


  • Minutes of each meeting should be e-mailed to the Governance Office ( as they are approved.  The minutes will be posted to the Governance website.  
  • If the committee is recommending a change to university policy or rules, please contact the Governance Office (
  • Please send a report of the committee’s actions on each of the charges, as well as any recommendations the committee wishes to make concerning charges or membership for the following academic year, to University Governance, at, and submit the final report by April 29, 2022.


FY2022 Standing charges:


  1. Participate in the University’s planning processes by communicating with the Provost, CFO, and Provost’s senior staff on matters of capital strategic planning, infrastructure, IT resources, and sustainability, and examine how current financial circumstances (the health of the state economy, current university indebtedness, school-specific fees and charges, etc.) will influence such projects.  Report issues and any recommendations for action to Sen Ex.
  2. Host meeting with Provost, CFO, and the Provost’s senior staff to review planning reports and budgetary submissions made by the various units.  Report issues and any recommendations to SenEx for consideration.
  3. Monitor enrollment trends and changes in tuition plans and their potential effects on enrollment and revenue generation.


FY2022 Specific charges:


    1. Follow up on the implementation and analysis of the Budget model and make recommendations.
    2. Meet with the CFO in Fall 2021 and spring 2022, to obtain update on the universities strategic financial planning, and projected growth.


Meeting Minutes

February 4, 2022

Final Reports and Outcomes

FY2022 Final Report

Planning and Resources FY2022