Program Discontinuance Request - Undergraduate Certificate in Accounting

Thu, 09/21/2023


University Governance

Date:   Sept. 21, 2023

To:       Faculty, Staff, and Students

From:  Kristin Villa, University Senate President

RE:       Active Academic Program Discontinuance Hearing

The University Senate Academic Policies and Procedures committee has received a Program Discontinuance request for the Undergraduate Certificate in Accounting (Accounting, School of Business) from the School of Business. In keeping with the University Senate Rules and Regulations, we are holding a public hearing to receive input from community members before finalizing our decision. The information for the public hearing follows below:

Date: Thursday, Sept. 28, 2023

Time: 10-11:30 a.m.

Join via Zoom:

  • Meeting ID: 995 5614 9690
  • Passcode: 043333

Please note that those who submit a written brief in advance will be recognized to speak at the hearing. Written statements should be sent to the AP&P Committee at, no later than Tuesday, Sept. 26th. The committee will also provide time for those who wish to speak at the hearing.

If you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact University Governance (, 785-864-5169).

Thu, 09/21/2023


University Governance