Libraries FY2017

Committee Details:

Committee: Libraries Committee
Committee Category: Standing Committees of the University Senate
Fiscal Year: 2017

Committee Description

Libraries: This committee works with KU libraries to develop long-range planning for and monitor the allocation of library resources, to promote communication with the library by students, faculty, and staff, to expand access to materials.

The University Committee on Libraries shall be composed of thirteen faculty members serving staggered three-year terms, including one representative each from the schools of Architecture and Urban Design, Business, Education, Engineering, Journalism and Mass Communications, Music, Pharmacy, and Social Welfare, and five representatives from the College (representing Natural and Mathematical Sciences, Social and Behavioral Sciences, and Humanities, School of the Arts, and International Studies). In addition, there shall be four student members serving one-year terms and two staff members appointed by the Provost and serving staggered three-year terms. At least one student member shall be a graduate student. The Committee shall also include the following non-voting, ex officio members: The Dean of the Libraries, the Law Librarian, and one each from the following library staff types, elected by their respective library governance body: university support staff, unclassified professional staff, and faculty.


Chair: Michael Shaw, Classics, College, Humanities (2018)

Faculty: Chad Kraus, Architecture (2017)

Faculty: Jin Seok Pyone, Business (2017)

Faculty: Robert Harrington, Education (2018)

Faculty: Russell Ostermann, Chemical & Petroleum Engr, (2019)

Faculty: Tien-Tsung Lee, Journalism (2018)

Faculty: Colin Roust, Music (2017)

Faculty: Jennifer Dill, Pharmacy (2019)

Faculty: Becci Akin, Social Welfare (2019)

Faculty: Lisa Timmons, Molecular Biosciences, College, Natural Sciences & Mathematics(2019)

Faculty: Sandra Olsen, Museum Studies., College, International Affairs (2018)

Faculty: Catherine Preston, Film & Media Studies, College, School of the Arts (2018)

Faculty: Paul Johnson, Political Science, College, Social and Behavioral Sciences (2017)

Staff: Heather Abernathy, Chemical and Petroleum Engineering (2017)

Staff: Karl Janssen, University Press (2019)

Student & Vice Chair: Amy Schumacher,

Student: Stella Frisby,

|Student: Sally Jiang,

Student, Graduate: Brittney Oleniacz,

Ex-Officio-Non Voting Members:

Kevin L. Smith, Dean of Libraries

Pam Crawford, Law Librarian, Law Library

Mary Ann Baker, Univ. Support Staff library staff

Jocelyn Wehr, Unclassified Library Staff

Sara Morris, Library Faculty


Approved by SenEx: May 31, 2016
Approved by University Senate: September 8, 2016

  • For further information or to schedule a meeting with SenEx to discuss charges or the committee’s work, contact SenEx Chair Joe Harrington
  • Minutes of each meeting should be e-mailed to the Governance Office ( as they are approved.  The minutes will be posted to the Governance web site
  • If the committee is recommending a change to university policy or rules, SenEx must officially receive that recommendation by March 14, 2017 in order to meet timeline requirements for full review by Governance.
  • Please send a report of the committee’s actions on each of the charges, as well as any recommendations the committee wishes to make concerning charges or membership for the following academic year, to University Governance, at, and submit the final report by April 14, 2017

Standing charges:

  1. Monitor and support the Libraries’ long-range planning and allocation of resources—staff, physical space, equipment, collections, digitally-based information, etc.—in light of the needs of different academic disciplines and the budget situation. Assist in communicating about planning resource allocations to support teaching (including both undergraduate and graduate) and research. Report issues and recommendations for action to SenEx. (ongoing)
  2. Assess and assist with the effectiveness of communication between the Libraries and students, faculty, and staff, about topics including but not limited to library-based instruction in classes and academic programs in support of university-wide learner outcomes. Report issues and recommendations for action to SenEx. (ongoing)
  3. Obtain a report from the Open Access advisory board concerning activities, and long-range planning for Open Access at KU.
  4. Seek information from the KU faculty, staff, and students about their concerns. Report issues and recommendations for action to SenEx. (ongoing)
  5. Convene an open meeting with Libraries faculty and staff in the fall semester. Report issues and recommendations for action to SenEx by 12/1/15.

 Specific Charges:

  1.  FY2017 Committee.  According to the Open Access Policy for University of Kansas Scholars, that policy should be reviewed every three years.  The policy was last revised and updated in FY2014.

    In addition to a general report on the level of acceptance of this policy and issues encountered in getting it established, the review should address the following:

    1. How well it has been accepted by publishers, which publishers do not support the policy, and whether this has contributed to researchers being unable to put their work in the repository;
    2. The percentage of the faculty who are participating;
    3. Whether there are particular disciplines or research areas that are “underrepresented” in the repository.
  2. FY2017 Committee.  In accordance with the recommendation of the Libraries Committee 2015 final report, continue to monitor the effects of the recent library reorganization.  Identify major changes in the services to all campuses the university community and report these changes to SenEx.
  3. Directly seek information from users to assess quality of service, specifically addressing the concern of faculty, staff, and student consultations that are no longer being handled by librarians with special subject knowledge.

Meeting Minutes

Library Meeting Minutes October 17, 2016 (PDF)

Final Reports and Outcomes

Libraries FY2017 Final Report (PDF)

Libraries FY2017