Faculty Rights, Privileges and Responsibilities FY2020

Committee Details:

Committee: Faculty Rights, Privileges, and Responsibilities
Committee Category: Standing Committees of the Faculty Senate
Fiscal Year: 2020

Committee Description

Faculty Rights, Privileges and Responsibilities (FRPR):This committee monitors the implementation of policies concerning faculty rights, privileges, and responsibilities, reviews and develops policy proposals on these issues, and communicates with faculty concerning their rights, privileges, and responsibilities.

Membership: 7 members of the Faculty serving staggered three year terms.


Chair: Joe Harrington, English, (2020)
Larry Davidow, Pharmacy Practice (2022)
Patricia Gaston, Journalism (2022)
Emma Scioli, Classics (2022) 
Nils Gore, Architecture Design, (2020)
Chris Crandall, Psychology (2021)
Dale Urie, Humanities (2021)


Approved by FacEx: June 7, 2019
Approved by Faculty Senate: September 12, 2019

For further information or to schedule a meeting with FacEx to discuss charges or the committee’s work, contact FacEx Chair Shawn Alexander.

  • Minutes of each meeting should be e-mailed to the Governance Office (govern@ku.edu) as they are approved.  The minutes will be posted to the Governance web site.
  • If the committee is recommending a change to university policy or rules, FacEx must officially receive that recommendation by March 31, 2020, in order to meet timeline requirements for full review by Governance.
  • Please send a report of the committee’s actions on each of the charges, as well as any recommendations the committee wishes to make concerning charges or membership for the following academic year, to University Governance, at govern@ku.edu, and submit the final report by April 17, 2020.

FY2020 As circumstances require:

  1. Monitor the implementation of university policies related to the rights and responsibilities of the faculty, including the following general areas (1) appointments, promotions, granting of tenure, and non-reappointments; (2) merit evaluations, rewards and sabbatical leaves; (3) protection of the faculty’s right to privacy; and (4) intellectual property.  Review all current policy statements regarding these matters to ensure that they are adequate, appropriate, and readily available to all faculty members.  Report issues, problems, and recommendations to FacEx (ongoing).
  2.  Respond to inquiries and address issues regarding faculty rights, privileges, and responsibilities (as they arise). 
  3. Communicate with representatives of the AAUP regarding their concerns relating to faculty rights, privileges and responsibilities.  Report issues, problems, and recommendations to FacEx (ongoing).

FY2020 Specific charges:

  1. Work with SenEx and the administration to implement or alter FSRR Article X. Procedures for Review and Reappointment of Chairperson, Academic Deans, Vice Chancellors, and Vice provosts.
  2. In consultation with Vice Provost for Faculty Development, examine results of recent survey of non-tenure track faculty (NTTF) and draft any consequent policy recommendations. 
  3. Work with administration to devise, define, and ensure a role for faculty governance in determining metrics and methods to be used in Unit Allocations under the New Budget Model.
  4. Report to FacEx by April 15, 2020, on the implementation of agreement between FRPR, UCCC Vice Provost for Undergraduate Affairs and FacEx, regarding Procedures for altering Core Goals.  
  5. Examine the distinction between instructor evaluations and course evaluations, and how they may be treated in certain contexts.  One issue would be the common situation of a course that is taught by only one instructor, leading to a situation where course evaluations are clearly linked to a specific instructor. Establish best practices for balancing the curricular needs of a school and the privacy rights of instructor.  (Added October 3, 2019)

Meeting Minutes

FRPR Minutes November 6, 2019 (PDF)

FRPR Minutes December 12, 2019 (PDF)

FRPR Minutes March 19, 2020 (PDF)

FRPR Minutes May 7, 2020 (PDF)

Final Reports and Outcomes

FRPR 2019-2020 Final Report (PDF)

Faculty Rights, Privileges and Responsibilities FY2020