Faculty Research FY2022
Committee Details:
Committee: Faculty Research
Committee Category: Standing Committees of the Faculty Senate
Fiscal Year: FY2022
Fiscal Year: 2022
- Chair Barbara Kerr, Educational Psychology (2022), bkerr@ku.edu
- PHARMACY Linqin Zhao, Pharmacology & Toxicology (2022), lzhao@ku.edu
- Libraries Lea Currie, Libraries (2022), lcurrie58@ku.edu
- CLAS Celka Straughn, Spencer Art Museum (2022) straughn@ku.edu
- LAW LIBRARY Blake Wilson, Law Library, 2023, wilsonwb@ku.edu
- SOCIAL WELFARE Meredity Bagwell-Gray, Social Welfare (2023), meredith.bagwell-gray@ku.edu
- CLAS Michael Engel, Ecol &Evol Bio/Nat Hist Biodiv (2023)
- CLAS Satya Mandal, Math, (2023)
- CLAS Dorice Elliott, English, (2023)
- CLAS Linda Stone-Ferrier, History of Art (2024)
- Engineering*Joshua Roundy, CEAE (2024)
- Pharmacy*Sarah Shrader, Pharmacy, (2024)
- Simon Atkinson, Vice Chancellor for Research , satkinson@ku.edu
- Ex-officio: Belinda Sturm, Associate Vice Chancellor Research, bmcswain@ku.edu
- Graduate Student Representative: TBD
Standing Charges
- Monitor the administration of the General Research Fund (GRF) and make recommendations, as needed, to ensure its effectiveness and appropriate utilization.
- FY2022 Committee: Conduct three-year review of the GRF in fall 2021. The FSRC should pay particular attention to the entities’ different eligibility requirements for the competition (some entities accept applications from tenured or tenure-track faculty only while at least one other entity accepts applications from lecturers) in determining the degree to which entities are making effective use of the GRF. Reevaluate the allocation method for the GRF (see analysis in FSRC FY19 Final Report).
Specific Charges
- Explore ways to assess the effects on KU research and scholarship of budget cuts, budget models.
- Explore ways to revitalize the intellectual climate and culture at KU.