Faculty Compensation FY2018
Committee Details:
Committee: Faculty Compensation
Committee Category: Standing Committees of the Faculty Senate
Fiscal Year: FY2018
Fiscal Year: 2018
- Chair Robert Schwaller, History, (2019)
- Susan King, HSES, (2018)
- Hossein Saiedian, Engineering, (2019)
- Margaret Marco, Music, (2019)
- Mark Holder, Ecology & Evolutionary Biology (2020)
- Cambrey Nguyen, Pharmacy (2020)
- Ex-officio member, Chris Brown, Vice Provost, Faculty Development
Standing Charges
- Collect information on levels and distribution of faculty salaries. Report and make policy recommendations to FacEx and the Faculty Senate, including a 1-page executive summary of the Final Report.
Specific Charges
- Collect and analyze more data on Library salaries and salary compression. Compare library salaries with peer institutions and provide a report.
- Work with Staff Senate Committee to investigate the feasibility of implementing of dependent tuition assistance at KU and reciprocal agreements at the other Regent’s Schools as a benefit for faculty.
- Collect and analyze information on salaries, to determine if KU has equity with regard to gender, ethnicity and race.