Faculty Compensation FY2015

Committee Details:

Committee: Faculty Compensation
Committee Category: Standing Committees of the Faculty Senate
Fiscal Year: FY2015
Fiscal Year: 2015


  • Chair: Jorge Perez, Spanish & Portuguese (2016)
  • Joshua Rosenbloom, Economics, (2017)
  • Arleen Barry, Curriculum & Teaching (2017)
  • Sara Wilson, Mechanical Engineering (2017)   
  • Peter Chun, Music, (2016)
  • John Keating, Economics (2016)
  • Ex-officio member, Marta Caminero-Santangelo, Interim Vice Provost, Faculty Development


Standing Charges

  1. Continue to monitor the level and distribution of faculty salaries to identify issues and concerns.  Report issues, problems, and recommendations to FacEx (ongoing).
  2. Continue the cooperative communication between the Chairs of the Planning and Resources and Faculty Compensation committees to facilitate coordination on issues of mutual concern.  Report issues and recommendations to FacEx (ongoing).

Specific Charges

  1. Drawing upon the work of the Tuition Assistance Task Force (PDF), and in coordination with the      Planning and Resources Committee, consider how an expanded tuition assistance policy might affect faculty compensation, recruitment, and retention.  Consider which Task Force recommendations might be prioritized if a phased or incremental approach is pursued.  Report findings and recommendations to FacEx.
  2. Consider whether a more consistent policy is possible across the university regarding compensation for development of online courses.
  3. Work with OIRP to perform a quantitative analysis of salary compression by school.  The analysis should consider the effect of time-in-rank and the effect of job tenure at KU on salary.

Final Reports and Outcomes

Faculty Compensation Final Report FY2015 (pdf)

Faculty Compensation FY2015