Organization and Administration FY2013
Committee Details:
Committee Description—
Organization and Administration: (O&A) This committee considers and develops proposals concerning the structure and operation of university governance, reviews proposals for amendment to the University Senate Code and other documents to ensure consistency of language and format, and address particular issues relating to the structure and operation of governance as they arise.
Chair: Kellie Thomas, Curriculum & Teaching (2013)
Hossein Saiedian, EECS, (2013)
Lea Currie, Libraries (2014)
Elisabeth Berghout, Music (2014)
Patricia Manning, Spanish & Portuguese (2014)
Chris Anderson, Business (2015)
Mohamed El-Hodiri, Economics (2015)
Alex Rippberger, Student, Vice Chair
Blaine Bengston, Student,
Michael Phelan, Student,
Gail Sherron, Financial Aid, Unclassified (2013)
Brain McDow, Registrars Office, Unclassified Staff (2014)
Anna Paradis, Engineering, University Support Staff, (2013)
Peggy Palmer, Student Success-Vice Provost, University Support Staff (2014)
Approved by SenEx: 5/29/2012
Specific Charge #2 approved by SenEx: 9/11/2012
Approved by University Senate: 9/13/2012
- For further information or to schedule a meeting with SenEx to discuss charges or the committee’s work, contact SenEx chair Chris Crandall at
- Please send minutes of each meeting to University Governance, at, for posting to the Governance web site.
- Please send recommendations for changes to the University Senate Code, the University Senate Rules and Regulations, and the Faculty Senate Rules and Regulations as early in the academic year as possible. Because of the waiting periods involved in changes to these documents, recommendations proposed after spring break may remain pending the following fall semester.
- Please send a report of the committee’s actions on each of the charges, as well as any recommendations the committee wishes to make concerning charges or membership for the following academic year, to University Governance, at Please include the names of committee members and submit the report by April 1, 2013. If the committee still expects to conduct business after April 1, please submit a report by April 1 and later submit any addenda that may be appropriate.
Standing charges:
- Be prepared to assist SenEx with the codification of proposed changes to the University Senate Code and/or the University Senate Rules and Regulations. (ongoing)
Specific Charges:
Preamble. The responsibility for this Committee is: “Organization and Administration: (O&A) This committee considers and develops proposals concerning the structure and operation of university governance, reviews proposals for amendment to the University Senate Code and other documents to ensure consistency of language and format, and address particular issues relating to the structure and operation of governance as they arise.”
- Review activities of O&A in past five years and consider whether the O&A Committee might be disbanded, or the charges amended, to make the committee more useful and relevant. Seek input from Governance Staff, Provost’s Policy staff, and other administration offices to determine whether O&A’s responsibilities might be better served in other groups. Report to SenEx by 12/4/2012.
- Consider the proposal from the Student Body President and Vice President submitted to SenEx on 9/11/12 that course syllabi be posted 1-2 weeks prior to the first day of class so that students who wish to drop a course may do so before the 100% tuition refund closing date. Also consult with the Registrar’s Office, IT personnel, and others about the feasibility of moving the 10% tuition refund penalty for dropping a class from the first course day to later in the week. Report to SenEx by 12/1/2012.
Meeting Minutes—
Final Reports and Outcomes—
Organization & Administration Committee Report to SenEX, April, 2013 (PDF)
Organization & Administration Committee, 2012-2013 Statement of Best Practices Related to Informing Students of Course Expectations (PDF)