Faculty Compensation FY2024

Committee Details:

Committee: Faculty Compensation
Committee Category: Standing Committees of the Faculty Senate
Fiscal Year: FY2024


  • Chair: Justin Blumenstiel, Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, CLAS, Faculty, Voting, 2024
  • Zongwu Cai, Economics, CLAS, Faculty, Voting, 2024
  • Elizabeth Berghout, , Faculty, Voting, 2025
  • Patricia E Gaston, Journalism & Mass Communications, Faculty, Voting, 2025
  • Megan Sheldon, Spanish & Portuguese, CLAS, Faculty, Voting, 2026
  • Amy Mendenhall, Provost's Office Rep., Ex-officio, Non-voting, 


Standing Charges

  1. Continue to work with AIRE to conduct a pilot equity study focused on non-tenure-track faculty and include unclassified academic staff, lecturers, instructors, teaching professors, research professors, librarians, and professors of the practice. 
  2. Collect information on levels and distribution of faculty salaries. Report and make policy recommendations to FacEx and the Faculty Senate, including a 1-page executive summary of the Final Report.
  3. Evaluate how the pandemic and budget concerns have affected and will continue to affect faculty compensation on campus and make recommendations to mitigate such impacts. Review peer institutions and how they addressed COVID-19 impacts on salaries.
  4. Ask AIRE to separate the effects of long-standing trends from those that are the results of recent budget cuts and the policy of incentives for early retirement.

Specific Charges

  1. Continue to discuss with AIRE the possibility of establishing recurring equity studies under a workable timeframe. 
  2. Follow up with AIRE regarding opportunities for more transparent interaction with data, for example through dashboards.   
  3. Monitor AIRE’s analysis of compensation within a given rank using years in that rank as an explanatory variable.
  4. Examine the range of current salaries as a percentage of each person’s initial salary in their current rank as a method of detecting disparities in the distribution of raises.

Faculty Compensation FY2024