Ad Hoc Committee on Cost Savings and Efficiency Enhancement FY2017
Committee Details:
Committee: Ad Hoc Committee on Cost Savings and Efficiency Enhancement
Committee Category: Ad Hoc Committees
Fiscal Year: 2017
Committee Description—
To save resources while enhancing or minimally impacting the Teaching, Research and Service functions and long-term viability of KU.
Members are elected by their individual senates. Chair will be elected by the committee.
Chair: Faculty: Susan Twombly, Ed Leadership & Policy Studies
Faculty: Mohamed El-Hodiri, Economics
Staff: Anna Paradis, Engineering
Staff: David Day, KU IT<
Students: John Rebein
Student: Hanna Hayden
Approved: SenEx, September 27, 2016
Students, Faculty and Staff representing a wide variety of departments and disciplines across campus.
- Construct a survey mechanism to poll faculty, staff, students and alumni for cost-saving ideas. (Make such a mechanism anonymous, but with an option to self-identify, come and describe opportunity to committee.)
- Collect surveys;
- Examine budgets, commission studies as necessary;
- Identify how the need for cost savings (i.e. budget cuts) has been addressed in the last few years
- Decide on priorities for the future;
- Enlist expert help from within KU for cost savings and impact analysis;
- Make recommendations publicly to the Administration.
Final Reports and Outcomes—
Cost Savings Final Report (PDF)