Academic Policies and Procedures FY2025
Committee Details:
Committee: Academic Policy and Procedures
Committee Category: Standing Committees of the University Senate
Fiscal Year: FY2025
Fiscal Year: 2024
- Chair: Joe Walden, Business, Faculty, Voting, 2026
- Myunghyun Oh, Mathematics, Faculty, Voting, 2025
- Jordan Tyler Atkinson, Professional Studies, Faculty, Voting, 2026
- Sean Seyer, History, CLAS, Faculty, Voting, 2025 (on sabbatical FY2024)
- Shuai Sun, Chemisty, Faculty, Voting, 2027
- Shu Tosaka, Jayhawk Academic Advising, Staff, Voting, 2026
- Hamp Henning, Student, Voting, 2025
- Alexandra Reiland, Student, Voting, 2025
- Lorena Surducan Barefoot, Graduate Student, Voting, 2025
- Casey Wallace, University Registrar, Ex-officio, Non-voting,
- Karen Ledom, Director of Student Academic Services, CLAS, Ex-officio, Non-voting,
- L Favicchia, Office of Graduate Studies Rep., Ex-officio, Non-voting,
- Sean Navarro, Undergraduate Advising Executive Committee Rep., Ex-officio, Non-voting,
Standing Charges
- Be prepared to respond to SenEx requests for reviews of academic policy issues.
- Monitor proposals for academic program restructuring and discontinuance, hold hearings, and follow other procedures in accordance with Article VIII of the University Senate Rules and Regulations. Report issues or recommendations for action to SenEx.
- Consider input from Student Senate on desired changes to academic policies, if provided. Reach out to the Student Body President ( and the Graduate Student Body President (
Specific Charges
- Consider program discontinuance in light of the Higher Learning Commission (HLC) and KBOR’s requirements to clean up the course catalog (see FY2023 Final Report).
- Continue evaluating the current process and procedures for Exceptions to University Wide Academic Policies (USRR 2.10.1). Provide a report and recommendation to SenEx.
- Consider the AP&P Committee’s recommendations from FY2020 and consult other universities’ policies.
- Work with the Office of the University Registrar (OUR) to evaluate relevant enrollment processes holistically and in comparison, to other KS and AAU institutions.
- Create a definitive glossary of terms related to such policies.
- Review University policies and initiatives in response to competency-based education implementation requirements.