Academic Computing and Electronic Communications FY2013

Committee Details:

Committee: Academic Computing and Electronic Communications
Committee Category: Standing Committees of the University Senate
Fiscal Year: FY2013
Fiscal Year: 2013


  • Chair: Ross Black, Geology, (2013)
  • Faculty Senate Rep & Comm. Member: Sara Morris, Libraries (2014)
  • Leslie Hasche, Social Welfare, (2013)
  • Perry Alexander, EECS (2015)
  • Allison Reeve, Wheat Law Library, (2015)
  • Darcy Fowler, Student, Vice Chair
  • Seyool Oh, Graduate Student, Student
  • Paul Espinosa, IT, Unclassified Staff (2015)
  • Laura Green, Provost Office, Unclassified Staff (2014)
  • Brent Schultz, Applied Behavioral Science, University Support Staff (2014)
  • Ex-officio: Ann Ermey, IT Services
  • Ex-officio: Jane Rosenthal, Director, Privacy Office


Standing Charges

  1. Monitor current and proposed policy concerning security of information, intellectual property rights and responsibilities, and other matters relating to information technology. Identify issues for which policy should be developed or revised. Report issues and any recommendations for action to SenEx. (ongoing)

Specific Charges

  1. Monitor the development of ACEC purview with respect to Changing for Excellence and Bold Aspirations
  2. Monitor developments in file storage platforms for both administrative and research purposes.
  3. Monitor progress in installation of wireless around campus
  4. Monitor reliability of wireless system vis-à-vis hardwired ports
  5. Recommend a policy for granting elevated rights to users which are required by their positions.  Report to SenEx by 2/25/2013.
  6. Monitor the progress of “one campus” initiatives for IT and identity

Final Reports and Outcomes

ACEC Final Report FY2013 (pdf)

Academic Computing and Electronic Communications FY2013