International Affairs Meeting Minutes

Meeting Details:

Fiscal Year: FY2022


Attending Members

  • Haiying Long (Chair)
  • Aramis Watson (staff)
  • Whitney Baker (faculty)
  • Kwangok Song (faculty)
  • Julius Kyakuwa (faculty)
  • Sunita Gandhi (Staff)
  • Charlie Bankart (ex officio) 

Absent Members

  • Hollie Hall (voting student, International Student Affairs council member)
  • Humberto Salina (voting students; International Student Affairs council member)

Approval of Previous Minutes

Minutes for the previous meeting were approved. Whitney made a motion to approve the minutes, and Sunita Gandhi seconded. The committee approved the minutes for the previous meeting. 

Unfinished Business

Discussion of the 2021-2022 Specific Charges  

Baker volunteered to work on the Specific Charge 5 related to the Covid-19 impact survey results before her sabbatical. The survey results came out via e-mail last year, and Whitney will upload the results to Teams.  

Bankart provided a background of the change in employee immigration services, which was announced via e-mail on Nov. 10. HR will take over immigration-related service for employees including faculty and staff, and Ms. Nelson will serve as a liaison between HR and the ISS. he changes can create a more inclusivity message toward international faculty and staff. HR can provide more holistic support for international faculty and staff as it does for all employees. The systems, policies, procedures, and practices related to employ immigration services can be integrated into HRM. The collaboration between the international affairs office and HR will be necessary because the international affairs office can provide HR with insights and expertise related to employee immigration services. This also means that HR can get more involved in providing necessary information about immigration processes to the potential candidates.   

Chair reminded the committee that the charges #1, 2, and 4  would be merged and asked if we need to assign a person to complete the charges.  

Bankart informed the committee that Jeff Chasen, the director of the Office of Integrity and Compliance (OIC), has moved into a new role, and there is no foreseeable plan to fill in the position until next year. So it would be difficult to consult with the office for now.  

Chair asked if Charge # 3 could be removed due to the changes in the Office of Integrity and Compliance.   

Bankart suggested communicating with the Governance Office to seek for recommendations regarding Charge # 3. 

Baker asked how the change in the OIC is related to Global Operation and Security (GOS).  

Bankart explained that there have been several changes since last Spring: GOS directly reports the chancellor; the OIC does not have a director; The policy office is still with OIC and has a process of collecting reviews and public comments before officially adapting policies. However,  there are uncertainties in terms of interconnections across offices due to the changes.  

Watson suggested consulting with the governance office about the charges because specific charges 1-4 are closely related to the changes with GOS and OIC.  

Chair agreed to Watson’s suggestion and asked for the committee’s opinion on reaching out to the governance office.  

Discussion on Standing Charges 

Watson volunteered to work on the standing charge #5.

Chair asked if the new policies are related to the internationalization lab.

Bankart informed that the Internationalization lab is a two-year collaboration with the American Council on Education. The internationalization lab is currently taking the self-study recommendations and align them to Jayhawks Rising, the university’s strategic planning initiatives.  

Baker indicated that two of the specific charges are related to the Internationalization Lab, and new policy drafts impacting international students and visitors have not always been brought in to the committee for a review.  

Chair mentioned that Standing Charge 6 can be done when new policy drafts are submitted for public comments.  

Chair asked if the committee wants to review the last year’s committee report now.

Baker requested reviewing specific charges that were related to the Internationalization Lab.  

Discussion on Specific Charges 

Charges #1 & 4 are related to the Internationalization Lab.  

Charge #1: The reports and recommendations from the Internationalization Lab are not ready.   

Charge 4: “Review final report and action plans from the Office of the Provost’s ACE Internationalization Lab and provide recommendation” The final report and actional plans have not been developed.  

Watson suggested consulting with the governance office regarding specific charges #1 and 4 to see if there are more alignment between the Internationalization Lab and Jayhawks Rising.  

Bankart Jayhawks Rising will implement the recommendations from the Internationalization Lab. So it would be a good idea for the committee to look into Jayhawks Rising’s work. Corrine Bannon, the Director of Institutional Effectiveness, could provide the committee with an overview of what Jayhawks Rising is.   

Chair will reach out to Corrine Bannon to give a presentation about Jayhawks Rising to the committee in December.  

Bankart posted the new executive summary on Teams, which is a revised version of the summary (Chancellor's cabinet lab handout) that provides an overview of the recommendations from the five different sub-committees. The summary could help the committee understand what could be related to the committee’s work.  

Question about Internationalization Lab 

Internationalization Lab is a construct that is governed by American Council on Education, and KU was selected as part of cohort a team for participate along with nine other universities around the world. Approximately 160 universities have participated in this.  

Discussion on Remaining Questions

Kyakuwa volunteered to work on Standing Charge #5 with Aramis and contacted Aramis. 

Kyakuwa asked how the changes related to immigration services would impact the committee’s work and if there is anything the committee needs to be aware of.

The functions, the services, the costs all of those things are unchanged, but the reporting regarding immigration services will be made to the Assistant Vice Provost for Human Resources rather than to the director of International Support Services.

Kyakuwa asked about the committee’s process and committee members’ responsibilities.

Baker answered that the ways the committee works vary every year.   

New Business

The next meeting will be scheduled in December. The doodle poll will be distributed.  

IA - Nov. 10, 2021