International Affairs Meeting Minutes

Meeting Details:

Fiscal Year: FY2022


Attending Members

  • Haiying Long (Chair)
  • Whitney Baker (faculty)
  • Kwangok Song (faculty)
  • Julius Kyakuwa (faculty)
  • Sunita Gandhi (Staff)
  • Hollie Hall (voting student, International Student Affairs council member)
  • Humberto Salina (voting students; International Student Affairs council member)

Absent Members

  • Aramis Watson (staff)
  • Charlie Bankart (ex officio)

Approval of Previous Minutes

Minutes for the previous meeting were approved. Whitney made a motion to approve the minutes, and Sunita Gandhi seconded. The committee approved the minutes for the previous meeting. 

Unfinished Business

Chair Updates

Bannon would be invited again in January.  

Chair contacted Vice provost Jennifer Anderson; chair would meet with her next week and invite Dr. Anderson.  

Discussion on Charge #5

  • Extra town hall meetings for international students would be helpful so that international students could be heard.  

  • The guidelines for travels and differences of guidelines by different countries can be confusing to international students.  

  • Mental health support is necessary for international students.   

  • Majority of the therapists are white, monolinguals; International students have difficulty in expressing themselves properly.  

  • There has been a communication gap in that the messages to the graduate students may not always be inclusive of international students or could have been carefully structured in a way to address international students’ unique situations.  

  • It is critical to expand our understanding of international students and faculty members’ unique challenges and to look for additional ways to support international students and faculty.  

  • Limited resources for international students to use when they encounter difficulties, particularly related to mental health.  

  • No clear support from the university  

  • Messages that can be interpreted differently to international students.  

  • A sense of belonging: International students may not feel fully integrated into the KU community  

  • Additional financial burden: International student have to pay toward something that domestic students don’t.  

  • A suggestion was made to provide DEI training on how to support faculty and students from different cultures and how to negotiate different ways of interacting on campus.  

  • A suggestion was made to invite Dr. Graham to ask for ways to include con  

  • The International Affairs committee may not always be included in the university’s discussion on issues related to international students and faculty.

New Business

The next meeting will be scheduled in January. The doodle poll will be distributed.  

IA - Dec. 8, 2021