Faculty Research Meeting Minutes

Meeting Details:

Fiscal Year: FY2024
Location: Zoom
Minutes Recorded By: Celka Straughn
Minutes Approved On:


Attending Members

  • Joshua Roundy
  • Celka Straughn
  • Mugur Geana
  • Laura Mielke
  • Rick Dobrowsky
  • Candan Tamerler (ex officio)
  • Linda Stone-Ferrier
  • Jeffrey Xu
  • Simon Atkinson (ex officio)

Approval of Previous Minutes

Review and Approval of Minutes from 10/20/2023. Mugur Geana motioned to approve; Rick Dobrowsky seconded. All approved

Unfinished Business

  1. Welcome and Review Agenda
  2. Any departmental or other feedback or questions regarding the GRF and potential changes?
    1. Journalism interested greater funding with current proposed change
    2. Pharmacology would like the change to happen, feel good direction
  3. GRF survey results – share and discuss (JR)
    1. Roundy grouped comments for Q1 by theme/talking points and working on putting comments together that relate to specific points; if anyone would like to assist in reviewing further and creating a document with the issues, contact Joshua (Mugur)
    2. Q1 on how allocations could be based – fewer opportunities external funding, merit, number of faculty (with PI eligibility), research impact, cost to do research, how many apply for GRF, junior faculty, etc.
      1. Based on years of discussion, basing on eligible faculty numbers as most sensible way
      2. GRF decentralized with school/departmental autonomy for how to distribute funds
    3. Important address why advocate for particular approach over others
      1. Example: Reason not for fewer opportunities external funding – often first need preliminary data regardless of range of opportunities
      2. Current allocation is frozen in 1994
    4. Important address what is primary role of GRF?
      1. Promote and stimulate research
      2. Connect with Jayhawks Rising?
      3. Be deliberate and able to address concerns
      4. ? if data for how research faculty has changed over past few decades (Candan can inquire what might be possible)
  4. Further questions, recommendations for moving forward, ways to learn and understand concerns from different units/faculty
    1. Open to further recommendations and new ideas based on past discussions and survey results
    2. Can see data from most recent GRF review in 2022
      1. Can use these data with recommendations
    3. Can get GRF research expenditures from KUCR (Candan)
    4. Need align CLAS units in GRF allocation (see slide 7 from ppt last meeting; done by School of Arts, Social Sciences, Humanities, Life Sciences, Physical Sciences – does this differentiation in CLAS still make sense) and how administered; if redoing and would like to change how administering, what makes sense currently – contact ADRs (Laura can send to Ben Eggleston)
    5. ? does KU Med have something similar to GRF – possible model?
      1. Candan aware of several seed funding opportunities (Candan and Rick can reach out to contacts)
    6. Possible models at other universities, esp. state universities
  5. Next steps and preparing to vote on GRF allocation recommendation after the 12/1/2023 meeting
    1. Voting process (anonymous) and with at least 72 hours in advance
      1. Suzanne possible create and send out Qualtrics (based on committee questions)
    2. Taking recommendations to FacEx in January/early spring semester

Faculty Research - Nov. 10, 2023