Academic Computing and Electronic Communications FY2022

Committee Details:

Committee: Academic Computing and Electronic Communications
Committee Category: Standing Committees of the University Senate
Fiscal Year: FY2022
Fiscal Year: 2022


  • Chair: Faculty: Phillip Wedge, English (2022)
  • Faculty: Zsolt Talata, Mathematics (2023)
  • Faculty: Andi Back, Libraries (2024)
  • Faculty: Hong Vu, Journalism (2022)
  • Faculty: Jila Niknejad, Mathematics (2024)
  • Staff: Scott Cossel, Libraries (2023)
  • Staff: Adam Mansfeild, Lega Aid for Students (2022) 
  • Voting, Student: 
  • Voting, Graduate Student: 
  • Ex-officio: Mary Walsh, IT Services
  • Ex-officio: David Day, IT (Visitor) 
  • Ex-officio: Jeff Chasen, Associate Vice Provost, Compliance


Standing Charges

  1. Monitor current and proposed policy concerning security of information, intellectual property rights and responsibilities, and other matters relating to information technology. Identify issues for which policy should be developed or revised. Report issues and any recommendations for action to SenEx. (ongoing)

Specific Charges

  1. Review progress and timeline of the move from Blackboard to Canvas.  Prepare a report that include comments from the early instructors already using Canvas.   What has their experience been thus far.
  2.  Seek inclusion of the ACEC Committee in the IT Governance. Working towards being involved before decisions are made.
  3. Continue follow up on Libraries policy on Excessive Downloading in the following ways:
    1. Identify additional opportunities for communicating the policy when new hires come through the onboarding process and by providing annual reminders University-wide.
    2. Identify additional useful metrics for understanding frequency of triggering activities from other sources.
    3. IT and Libraries working committee take this issue under consideration, and as IT policies on this matter are reviewed involve ACEC in revision process.
    4. Contact the Libraries Committee Chair to consider how/if the Libraries Committee can be involved and provide an annual update.

Meeting Minutes

ACEC Meeting Minutes - Oct. 18, 2021
ACEC Meeting Minutes - Nov. 18, 2021
ACEC Meeting Minutes - Feb. 22, 2022

Final Reports and Outcomes

ACEC Final Report FY2022

Academic Computing and Electronic Communications FY2022