Governance Communications

University Governance shares a variety of statements, updates, and resources with the KU campus. Browse the selection of articles below for progress on pending policy amendments, updates on Shared Governance efforts, and more.
The University Senate, in collaboration with the Office of DEIB, the Jewish Studies Program, and the Jewish Faculty & Staff council, shares a statement in response to recent antisemitism and in solidarity with KU's Jewish community.
The Shared Governance advisory group leads share the committee's progress in meeting its charges and invites campus members to a visioning event that is part of Phase 1 of the charges.
SenEx has referred to the University Senate a proposed amendment to the USRR, which will be voted on at the next University Senate meeting. This communication serves as the official 7-day notice to campus on these proposed policy changes.
University Governance leaders share updates from the Governance office, including progress in re-defining Shared Governance, an opportunity to participate in GRF allocation recommendations, and ongoing policy changes.
The Office of the Provost, along with the University and Faculty Senate presidents, announce the results of the recent faculty satisfaction survey and share the next steps in interpretation and action.