Faculty Research FY2013

Committee Details:

Committee: Faculty Research
Committee Category: Standing Committees of the Faculty Senate
Fiscal Year: FY2013
Fiscal Year: 2013


  • Chair: Celka Straughn, Spencer Museum of Art (2013)
  • Derek D. Reed, Applied Behavioral Science (2015)
  • Jeffrey Krise, Pharmaceutical Chemistry (2015)
  • Dean Williams, Bureau of Child Research, (2015)
  • Larry Hoyle, Institute for Policy & Social Research, (2015)
  • Catherine Preston, (2015)
  • Michael Williams, Journalism, (2014)
  • Rick Miller, Kansas Geological Survey, (2014)
  • Barbara Phipps, Curriculum & Teaching, (2015)
  • Raj Srivastava, Business, (2013)
  • Victoria Corbin, Molecular Biosciences (2013)
  • Terry Faddis, Mechanical Engineering (2013)
  • Steve Warren, Vice Chancellor for Research and Graduate Studies
  • Ex-officio: Rodolfo Torres, Associate Vice Chancellor, KUCR
  • Seyool Oh, Graduate Student Representative,


Standing Charges

  1. Monitor the administration of the General Research Fund (GRF) and make recommendations, as needed, to ensure its effectiveness and appropriate utilization. Report to FacEx concerning actions taken with respect to this charge by 03/05/13.
  2. Monitor the execution of the University’s Restricted Research Policy (Faculty Senate Rules and Regulations, Article IX) in handling requests for exceptions.
  3. Serve as the body to hear faculty appeals of research rejected by the restricted research committee or by the Vice Provost for Research, as specified in the Restricted Research Policy.
  4. Monitor the implementation of policies and procedures for determining which proposals will go forward in cases where the number of grant applications that may be submitted from the University is limited. Identify problems or concerns, and report issues and recommendations to FacEx.
  5. Continue working with the ACEC (Academic Computing and Electronic Communications) Committee to process needs for and issues with computing and telecommunications for research, including recommendations for sustainable policies and procedures and monitoring ongoing and new developments in IT. Report issues and recommendations to FacEx as needed.

Specific Charges

  1. Conduct three-year review of the GRF in Spring 2013. The FSRC should pay particular attention to the entities’ different eligibility requirements for the competition (some entities accept applications from tenured or tenure-track faculty only while at least one other entity accepts applications from lecturers) in determining the degree to which entities are making effective use of the GRF.
  2. Continue working with relevant offices and committees to ensure that the new PRO/Digital Measures system provides the customization necessary to use the system for GRF reporting.
  3. Continue to consider issues related to the use of Academic Analytics for external evaluations of the University and internal research evaluations for departments, programs, and faculty; the applicability of AA metrics to diverse disciplines; and the flexibility or possibility to incorporate other qualitative and quantitative metrics (such as the PRO/Digital Measures system) into AA method of analysis.
  4. Consider the ways under post-tenure review that the Provost/Deans might further support and develop faculty research. Report to FacEx and the FRPR Committee by November 15, 2012.

Final Reports and Outcomes

Faculty Research Final Report FY2013 (pdf)

Faculty Research FY2013