Academic Computing and Electronic Communications FY2020

Committee Details:

Committee: Academic Computing and Electronic Communications
Committee Category: Standing Committees of the University Senate
Fiscal Year: FY2020
Fiscal Year: 2020


  • Chair: Larry Hoyle, IPSR, (2020)
  • Faculty (Libraries): Angela Rathmel, Libraries (2021)
  • Faculty: Mathew Jacobson, Film and Media (2021)
  • Faculty: Hong Vu, Journalism (2022)
  • Faculty: Phillip Wedge, English (2022)
  • Staff: Boryana Koseva, K-INBRE, (2020)
  • Staff: Kumuditha Ratnayake, Chemistry, (2020)
  • Voting, Student: William Wilk
  • Voting, Graduate Student: Elliot Brewer
  • Ex-officio: Mary Walsh, IT Services
  • Ex-officio: David Day, IT (Visitor)
  • Ex-officio: Jeff Chasen, Associate Vice Provost, Compliance


Standing Charges

  1. Monitor current and proposed policy concerning security of information, intellectual property rights and responsibilities, and other matters relating to information technology. Identify issues for which policy should be developed or revised. Report issues and any recommendations for action to SenEx. (ongoing)

Specific Charges

  1. Monitor the implementation of multifactor authentication (MFA) for single sign-on. Determine if there are faculty, staff or students for whom the requirement caused a significant burden. Ensure that faculty, staff, and students who want a token are receiving them at no cost. With the implementation of MFA, are other changes to password policy desirable, e.g. a longer retention period?
  2. Review the effectiveness of the “safelinks” substitution of links in in Exchange emails. Is there a way to allow users to easily view the original URL?
  3. Follow up with CIO on the status of an IT Town Hall.

Final Reports and Outcomes

ACEC Final Report FY2020 (pdf)

Academic Computing and Electronic Communications FY2020