International Affairs Meeting Minutes

Meeting Details:

Fiscal Year: FY2024
Time: 10:00 a.m.
Location: Zoom
Minutes Recorded By: Caty Movich


Attending Members

  • Elena Semyonova-Smith
  • Wyatt Haywood
  • Patricia Lowe
  • Yi-Yang Chen
  • Megan Greene
  • Sunita Gandhi
  • Hollie Hall
  • Charlie Bankart

Other Attendees

  • Caty Movich

New Business

  1. Introductions from committee members and their motivations for serving on the International Affairs Committee
  2. Discussion of charges
    1. Standing Charge #6
      1. There was a recent issue with GTA/GRA/GA waivers for health insurance. These graduate student employees received an email that they owed money due to an administrative error. Could the committee be able to offer feedback on such financial issues that arise, other than the International Student Feed?
      2. This can be added to Specific Charge #6.
        1. “Review the International Student Fee and how it is utilized, as well as proposed increases and how such decisions are made, and other fees that affect international students.”
      3. The committee can also discuss this specific situation further at the next meeting.
    2. Specific Charge #8
      1. The opportunities for international students cannot be equal to in-state, tax-paying students. KU has successfully changed the tiered, merit-based scholarship system and there is no longer a distinction in opportunity between international non-resident and domestic non-resident.
      2. This committee could investigate further into equity within different types of opportunities for non-resident students.
      3. Alter Specific Charge #8:
        1. “Collaborate with ISS and KUIA to identify opportunities for funding for international students while at KU, grants, scholarships, equitable fees etc. Opportunities should be equitable to in-state students.”
        2. Could delete second sentence of the charge or change it to “Opportunities should be equitable to other non-resident students.”
        3. There are times when opportunities should be equitable to all students, rather than distinguishing between resident and non-resident, so deleting that sentence provides more flexibility.
    3. Wyatt Haywood observed that many of the charges seem vague and/or non-actionable and end up being limited to conversations with Charlie Bankart.
      1. Charlie observed that many of the charges refer directly to the Office of International Affairs, while it seems that the committee should also be addressing KU’s broader interaction with the international community.
      2. We could Invite other people to the committee beyond Charlie, such as Angela Perryman (Study Abroad and Global Engagement), folks from the Center of Research, Melissa Birch (Institute of International and Global Engagement), Eron Memaj (International Support Services), and perhaps from other offices within IA.
      3. Megan Greene brought up a prior effort to re-conceptualize the IA Committee (FY2013). The focus on monitoring that is present now was also an issue then. While monitoring is crucial, the committee needs actionable items in order to have agency.
        1. We could add another specific charge that allows the committee to bring such monitored issues to light if relevant and to take action.
      4. Elena Semyonova-Smith observed that most of the charges seem to be geared towards supporting international students at KU, while only Specific Charge #1 (specifically the ACE Internationalization Lab) directly includes domestic KU students studying abroad. She also observed that Specific Charge #1 seems to need more detailed, measurable action items.
      5. Caty Movich observed that many of the specific charges seem like standing charges when compared to the charges of other Governance committees. Reorganizing the charges could also provide clarity for which charges involve only monitoring and which involve more measurable actions.
    4. Wyatt suggested that a major goal of the committee this year could be picking up the re-conceptualization work in order to make the committee more effective. Megan Greene will be a valuable resource for this.
      1. Who else could we invite to meetings or should be ex officio members? Charlie noted that there is a challenging dynamic in inviting other IA unit directors, since they report to Charlie. He suggested perhaps providing space for them to speak with the committee without Charlie present to make sure there weren’t external pressures.
      2. IA is starting to work with other administrative offices across the university, so it would be valuable to invite some of those people rather than more people from within IA. This aligns with the ACE Internationalization Lab report and goals in terms of making internationalization less of a siloed effort. Through working with these other units, the IA Committee not only monitor the internationalization progress, but also be a part of it.
      3. Possible additional units to invite:
        1. Enrollment Management (AVP Amanda Ostreko)
        2. Graduate Admissions
        3. Academic Success (Misty Chandler)
        4. Office of Research
        5. Center for Undergraduate Research
    5. Do the Jayhawks Rising goals change? If so, how does that work with Specific Charge #1?
      1. We could add the specification to “aligned with this year’s Jayhawks Rising strategies.”
      2. We will discuss this more at the next meeting, so we can do some research into Jayhawks Rising before then. We should have a set of strategies for this year coming soon from the Provost’s Office. There is considerable continuity from year to year. There are overarching objectives with specific yearly strategies that align with each objective.
      3. Charlie provided more information about an in-progress relevant strategy for FY2024.
        1. Institutional Priority: Healthy & Vibrant Communities
        2. Objective: Strengthen Service to Local and Global Communities (Charlie is a team-lead for this area)
        3. Strategy: Complete KU’s International Engagement Index by establishing metrics that capture activity related to KU’s internationalization goals, then supporting academic and administrative units in benchmarking their international activity and setting unit-level goals to increase internationalization activities throughout KU.
  3. Next meeting
    1. Review ACE Internationalization Lab report and Jayhawks Rising objectives and goals.
    2. Think about other offices/people to include in committee’s efforts.

IA - Oct. 2, 2023