International Affairs Meeting Minutes

Meeting Details:

Fiscal Year: FY2024
Time: 1:00 p.m.
Location: Zoom
Minutes Recorded By: Caty Movich
Minutes Approved On:


Attending Members

  • Elena Semyonova-Smith
  • Wyatt Haywood
  • Patricia Lowe
  • Yi-Yang Chen
  • Megan Greene
  • Sunita Gandhi
  • Mihir Sarja

Other Attendees

  • Caty Movich

Approval of Previous Minutes

Meeting minutes from Dec. 6, 2023, and Jan. 12, 2024. Motion to approve by Sunita Gandhi. Seconded by Patricia Lowe. Motion passed unanimously.

Unfinished Business

Wyatt Haywood presented the committee’s membership recommendation to the University Senate Executive Committee on Jan. 30th. As part of that recommendation, he suggested that they likewise reconsider the memberships of other University Senate standing committees to better represent all constituencies, as discussed in a previous International Affairs Committee meeting. SenEx was very receptive to these proposals and will discuss specific changes to membership at a future meeting.

Wyatt wants to follow up with Charlie Bankart about where we are with the ISS fee increase.

New Business

Wyatt recapped where the committee is in its newly proposed 3-year survey process. The committee distributed the survey last year (FY2023) and began analyzing the data. Wyatt thanked FY2023 Chair Sunita Gandhi for her leadership in this space. The committee’s FY2023 final report, which contains information about the survey and some recommendations, is available on the Governance website. Caty will confirm that survey data is available to the committee on Teams.

Wyatt suggested that the committee could revisit the survey data now that we refreshed charges and a better understanding of how the committee can make recommendations to KUIA of University Senate. Wyatt asked for committee members’ thoughts on whether we should review the data and how to go about the process. Do we want to all review the data/analysis together? Do we want to review the data individually or in smaller groups?

Megan Greene pointed out that new committee members are likely unfamiliar with the data, so it would be helpful to review it prior to a discussion. We can establish clear questions around which to center discussion. Sunita suggested forming smaller groups to work on individual issues that we have identified. Megan suggested including in this review the results of the ACE Internationalization Lab. Locating any alignment of issues between these two sources could help us frame the discussion and identify main issues. Wyatt suggested that half of the committee review the ACE Internationalization Lab report and half review the survey data, with each group sending its findings ahead of the next meeting.

Present committee members volunteered for each group. Wyatt will email the committee with a recap of the groups and ask for preferences for those not in attendance. We will assign groups if we do not hear. The committee discussed the timing of these review periods and the next meeting. There was consensus that members would take 1 month to work in their sub-committees, reviewing their respective information and identifying takeaways, before reporting to the rest of the committee. Members will then take 2 weeks to review the reports before all meeting again in the 1st or 2nd week of April. While these dates are approaching the end of the current academic year, the committee can continue discussing and making recommendations in the next year, as per the 3-year survey cycle.

Sub-committees are welcome to meet in any modality. Wyatt also asked about interest in hybrid committee meetings. The next meeting will likely be hybrid and the committee will see how it works. Sub-committee reports should be sent to everyone else by March 22nd.

IA - Feb. 22, 2024